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融断式尼龙漆包线“,”Fuseable Polyamide Enameled Copper Wire.

可是漆包线在生产时是在高速的运行。But enameled wire production is in high-speed operation.

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由需方提供样品500个及所需漆包线。The buyer render 500 samples and required enameled wire.

变性聚脂瓷绝缘聚亚胺醯胺被覆漆包线“,”Modified Polyester Insulated Poly-Amide-Imide OvercoatedEnam.

在与4个机架的水平,裂解安全起见漆包线架。Enamelled wire racks on the side with 4 rack levels, pyrolysis-safe.

线圈是特设工作组18漆包线电磁线,每圈有50套。The coils are of AWG 18 enameled magnet wire, each coil has 50 wraps.

黑色磨砂漆包线内部不褪色或生锈,更好的获取与使用。Black matte enameled interior does not discolor or rust and gets better with use.

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漆包线在线测量可以有效的控制产品的高品质。Online measure of enameled wire can effectively control the product high quality.

本文就漆包线成品黑斑问题进行了全面讨论。The black stain problem in enamelled wires production is systematically discussed.

而线咀的主要功能也是保护漆包线的绝缘层。The main function of the nozzle is the protection of the enameled wire insulation layer.

线圈均由单玻璃丝聚酰胺漆包线制成,绝缘等级为H级。Coils are made of single polyimide wire wrapped with glass fibre. The insulation level is Class H.

通过对焊接工艺参数进行精密控制,实现了铜箔漆包线的单面直接焊接。Through precise control of welding process parameters, one-side welding enameled wire to copper foil is realized.

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绞合线是将若干漆包线捆束一起使用,特别用于缠绕高频变压器。" Litz " wires are multiple magnet wires bundled together for use typically when winding high frequency transformers.

采用耐电晕材料作为变频电机的漆包线绝缘是延长变频电机使用寿命的重要途径之一。A fault diagnosis method for variable frequency motor is presented, which is based on advanced MCSA and fuzzy inference.

在本页下方有一张漆包线和李兹线性能的对比表。At the bottom of this page there is a table that shows the comparison in reception between a solid wire and litz wire coil.

是国内生产漆包线检测仪器品种最全、智能化程度最高的公司。Is domestic production of enameled wire detection apparatus of the entire species, the highest level of intelligent company.

采用耐电晕材料作为变频电机的漆包线绝缘是延长变频电机使用寿命的重要途径之一。It is one of the important ways to use corona-resistant material as insulating material of the wire for inverter-fed motors.

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马达转子绕线以特殊胶封固,加强保护马达转子漆包线,延长马达寿命。Responding to special glue motor rotor winding, tighten the protection of cementing motor rotor motor, prolong life. Enameled wire.

本文研究了纳米复合粉体提高漆包线绝缘漆耐变频性能的方法。In this paper, the authors investigated the method to improve the variable frequency resistance of enamel by a composite nano-powder.

我们出口的漆包线都是本公司所属的工厂生产的,因此我们在价格和交货期方面均占优势。The enamelled wires we export are manufactured by our own factories, therefore, we are competitive in price and the delivery of time.