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我猜想我们只是有代沟罢了.I guess we were just generationally divided.

每隔10年就有很大的代沟。There are big generation gaps between each decade.

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对某些人来说还有一种忧虑,就是不断增长的代沟。Another worry, for some, is the growing generation gap.

代沟存在于世界各地。Generation gaps are present in every part of the world.

朋友,你认为“80后”和“90后”交朋友,会有“代沟”吗?My dear friends, do you believe post-80s and post-90s have generation gap?

'鲍莫尔说'“在欣赏观上来说,有着不可逾越的代沟。How do you like it?'" says Ballmer. "There was just a complete gap in taste.

父母和青少年双方必须尽力弥合代沟。Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation gap between them.

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由于代沟的关系,有时跟的你的孩子交流起来会有些困难。Sometimes it's not easy to talk to your children because of the generation gap.

代沟的产生是由于青老年间缺乏交流。Generation gap arises from a lack of communication between the young and the old.

所以代沟是不可避免的,只要正确对待就可以了。So the generation gap is ineluctable , as long as the exactitude treats all right.

他还说,目前德国社会存在一个需要弥合的数码代沟。Still, Scheer said, there was a digital divide in Germany that needed to be bridged.

当家长和孩子之间缺乏沟通的时候,代沟就出现了。The generation gap ensues there is lack of communication between parents and children.

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电影的主题是关于代沟和新的诱惑。The film's themes are involving inter-generational conflict and the rise of new temptations.

他们为弥和两代人之间的代沟所做的一切努力都付诸东流了。Their efforts to bridge the gap between the two generations arrived at no result in the end.

道格拉斯在称赞海瑟薇的美貌时,影射奥斯卡的“代沟”。Douglas, himself, alluded to the Oscar generation gap in complimenting Hathaway on her looks.

这可以协助缩小老人和其他人之间的代沟。All these facilities help society reduce the generation gap between the elderly and the others.

另外一个老牛吃嫩草不会有好下场的原因是年龄的代沟。Another reason why relationships with younger women end badly is because of the generation gap.

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你们国家的新一代和老一代之间有代沟吗?Have you ever experienced a gap between younger and older generations of people in your country?

教育家们说父母们和孩子们都在抱怨“代沟”现象。Educationalists say that generation gap is a source of complaints from both parents and children.

当两代人发现他们再也无法互相理解时,代沟就产生了。A generation gap occurs when two generations find that they cannot understand each other any more.