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他脸上划满了破破烂烂的十诫。His face be fille with break commandment.

这是一间昼夜营业的破破烂烂的小咖啡馆。It was a small and shabby all-night café.

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那边那个穿的破破烂烂的老人是谁?Who is the old man in raggedy clothing over there?

那个孩子总是穿得破破烂烂,就像个孤儿似的。The kid is always in rags, as if he were an orphan.

破破烂烂的褐色无袖工作服,保护着她的一前一后。Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways.

可你瞧瞧我吧,穿得破破烂烂的,还算是富翁的妻子哩。And now behold me, in rags, yet the wife of a rich man.

你的衣服怎麽了,怎麽会破破烂烂呢?。What happened to your clothes? Why are they so tattered?

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这是一间简陋的、家具破破烂烂的房间,里面有一张床。It was a mean, shabbily furnished room, with a bed in it.

很便宜,不太体面,看起来破破烂烂的葡萄酒吧或饭馆。This restaurant looks like a dive, but it has great food.

那辆拖着我们到最近市镇的的士同样破破烂烂。The taxi that towed us to the nearest town was just as bad.

火焰吞噬着他从土桑市跟随而来的破破烂烂的路标线。Flame lit the broken white line he had followed from Tucson.

俺看清自己是个凄凄惨惨破破烂烂空空荡荡的玩意儿!I've seen myself for the wretched, ragged, empty thing I am!

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珍妮是个邋遢女人,她和丈夫两人都穿得破破烂烂的。Jane is a slut, both she and her husband are always out at heel.

首先,他勇敢地出任一支破破烂烂的革命军的司令。For one thing, he took command of a ragged army of revolutionaries.

我的父母在我很小的时候买下了它,那时它破破烂烂的。My parents bought it when I was little, it was a falling apart mess.

他们多数人住在破破烂烂的小棚子里,无一例外是穷人。They often lived in run-down shacks on the farm and were invariably poor.

他穿着一件敞开着的法兰绒衬衣,里面穿着一件肮脏的T恤衫,牛仔裤破破烂烂的,还穿着凉鞋。He was wearing a flannel shirt open over a dirty t-shirt, cut-off jeans, and sandals.

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当您找到一个新的牛仔裤就像你们破破烂烂的最爱,它的时间来庆祝。When you find a new pair of jeans just like your worn out favorites , it's time for celebration.

我在清晨睁开眼睛,看到那个玫瑰红色的兔子破破烂烂地放在床头,我的心脏剧烈地疼痛。In the morning I open my eyes to see the rose, red rabbit junk on the bed, my heart intense pain.