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甘蔗根茬破坏情况影响到宿根质量。The damage of stubble influences the quality of its biennial root.

宿根系4020正用作主要亲本进一步选育宿根栽培稻。The 4020 is being used as major parent to develop perennial rice cultivars.

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莲是一种原产于我国的古老的宿根水生花卉,为多年生挺水草本植物。Lotus Nelumbo nucifera is a very old water flower plant originated from China.

运往荷兰的所有货品必须为多年生宿根草本芍药种类。All varieties to be delivered must belong to the family of Lactiflora Paeonies.

茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.

宿根干叶产量与越冬率呈极显著正相关。There is a significant correlation between dry leaves yield and overwintering survival rate.

以北京植物园宿根园的改造为例,讨论了空间结构的转变对宿根花卉展示的影响。It also discusses the effect of the renovation of spatial structure to the perennial flower show.

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多年生宿根草本基部有棕褐色枯死的纤维状叶鞘。Vivacious perennial root is herbaceous base the ministry has palm Brown withered dead fiber shape is vaginal.

济宁红莲是一种古老的野生红莲品种,属睡莲科、莲属,是多年生宿根水生植物。Jining Red Naliford is an old kind of wild red naliford, belonging to the water lily family of the genus of lotus.

甘蔗根部切割质量直接关系到收获过程中的损失和宿根质量。Discussed that quality of sugarcane root cutting directly relate to the quality of stubble and losses of mass in harvesting.

利用电视相差显微镜和PCR技术结合能快速诊断甘蔗宿根矮化病。Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR.

福农83—61是一个早熟高产高糖、宿根性特别好、抗风力较强的甘蔗新品种。FA 83-61 is an early-maturity, high yield and sugar content new sugarcane variety, with excellent r tooning property and strong wind- resistance.

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通过旱地冬植和宿根甘蔗的地膜覆盖试验,研究地膜覆盖对土壤生态环境及蔗苗根系生长的影响。The investigation performed so as to find out the effect of the covering of plastic film on the growth of sugarcane root system and the ecological environment.

翻犁后一年的土壤有机质含量会下降,连续宿根栽培则可以提高或维持有机质含量。Phloughing resulted in decrease in soil organic matter content in coming year, while successive ratoon cultivation could increase or maintain soil organic matter content.

冰凉花属于宿根植物,其根几乎终生为初生结构。一年生苗直根系的主根和侧根的初生木质部均为二原型。Adonis amurensis is perennial herb, Its roots are nearly primary structure in the whole life, Primary Xylems of main root and lateral roots of one year seedling are diarch.

文章探讨了宿根花卉在园林中应用的生态意义和应用方式,并提出应大力推广宿根花卉在城市园林绿化中的应用。This paper discussed the ecological significance and ways of using perennial flowers in landscaping designs, suggested to extend perennial flowers in landscape application.

衡量切割器工作性能的一个重要指标是宿根破头率,切割状态对破头率有较大影响。An important index on weighing cutter work capability is the rate of broken biennial root, and the incision state have a biggish influence on the rate of broken biennial root.

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苎麻是一种多年生宿根型草本植物,有计划的实行麻园更新改造,可达到提高土地利用率,提高苎麻单位面积产量,推广普及新品种三重效益。Ramie is perennial root herb. Renovation and transformation of ramie garden can improve the land use rate, increase unit area production of ramie in China and popularize new ramie varieties.

甘蔗根茬破损会影响到宿根质量,通过建立甘蔗茎秆切割过程中的力学模型,对根茬的破坏进行了力学分析。The damage of sugarcane stubble affects the quality of its biennial root. Based on establishing the mechanics model of sugarcane stalk in the cutting, mechanics analysis on stubble damage was done.

鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模是一种多年生宿根植物,1995年引入我国,因其具有多种有益于人类的生物学特性和经济价值而备受人们的关注。Rumex Kl was a perennial plant with persistent roots. It was introduced to China in 1995. Rumex Kl attracted people's attention with its biological characters beneficial to human and economical value.