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我战战兢兢地等着他给出评论。I waited apprehensively for him to comment.

现在,尽管,投资者们战战兢兢。Now, though, investors are getting jittery.

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羽墨青战战兢兢的说。Feather ink green trembling with fear to say.

我战战兢兢地告诉莱尼我的鞋扣开了。I timidly told Lenny that my clasps were open.

我战战兢兢问她如何知道号码的。Trembling, I asked how she knew about the numbers.

但这种爱,总让人战战兢兢,如履薄冰。However, this love, always in fear, treading on thin ice.

他对我说这话,我便战战兢兢地立起来。And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.

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未几久战战兢兢的经文声在屋外响起。How long do not fear of the scripture sound outside the ring.

看到经理满脸不高兴,我们战战兢兢,如履薄冰。Saw manager the whole face is not happy, we gingerly, cautious.

外邦人要衰残,战战兢兢地出他们的营寨。Foreigners lost heart and came trembling out of their fortresses.

对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。坐立不安。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

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如今的全球经济形势已经使得债券危机在美国和欧洲犹如头上悬刀,战战兢兢。For a global economy already jittery over sovereign debt risk in the U.

那一夜,我战战兢兢跌跌撞撞,地走出家门,哭着。I stumbled out in to the black night sobbing, my legs wobbly from fear.

这时候,在那边,露出一张满是牙齿的大嘴巴。我凑过去——战战兢兢地。And then, over there. A big mouth full of teeth. I approached cautiously.

男人就像舞台上的演员,在钢丝上战战兢兢的往前挪步。Man acts like an actor on stage, standing on string, moving forward gingerly.

部长和他们所在的部门都战战兢兢地挤在一起,站在悬崖边上。Ministers and their departments are gathered nervously at the edge of a cliff.

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“要是乔治看见我跟你讲话,他一定会大骂我一顿,”里奥妮战战兢兢地说。If George sees me talking to you he'll give me hell, " Leonie said cautiously."

“陛下,这是卡拉巴斯侯爵的草地!”他们为了保命,都战战兢兢地这样回答。"The Marquis of Carabas, your Majesty! " they answered, trembling for their lives.

回想起那种让人禁不住战战兢兢的感觉,这时如果有他人结伴同行,你会顿时觉得安心不少。It’s a little scary. But if you have another person with you, you immediately feel safer.