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我需要踢足球用的钉鞋。I need a spike shoe for playing football.

请不要让您的钉鞋划坏了果岭。Please don't let your spikes scratch the green.

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钉鞋掌还能延长鞋子的寿命。Extend the life of shoes by repairing the soles.

赛跑者穿钉鞋以防滑倒。The runner wear spike shoes to prevent from slide.

在第二垒的运动员被跑垒人的钉鞋踩伤了。The player on second base was spiked by the runner on base.

为什么他不能在汤匙盛蛋赛跑比赛中穿运动钉鞋?。Why can't he wear running spikes for the egg and spoon race?

防水服和长钉鞋只是近代的发明。Water-proof clothing and spiked shoes are fairly recent innovations.

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光脚,长钉鞋和有螺旋铁钉的球鞋是不允许的。Bare feet, spikes and footwear with screw-in studs are not permitted.

他被钉鞋刺到或是踢到下巴,后来还留下红色的血痕。He got spiked or kicked in the chin, and still had the red welt afterward.

高尔夫钉鞋的发明者恩尼因病去世,享年82岁。The inventor of the spiked golf shoe, Ernie, has died following a Brief illness. He was 82.

他说,现在已经稍微能慢跑了,但想穿钉鞋快跑那还不可能。He said that now can be a little jogging, but would like to wear spiked shoes also can not run it.

参赛者只能穿著胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米的钝角钉鞋进场。Only rubber shoes, or running shoes with nails' length less than 6 mm will be allowed in the sports ground.

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租用人请穿著适当衣服及软底皮鞋或胶鞋,不可穿著金属钉鞋或高跟鞋。Please wear suitable clothes and soft-soled leather shoes or rubber shoes. Do not wear shoes with steal spikes or high heels.

租用人请穿著适当衣服及软底皮鞋或胶鞋,不可穿著金属钉鞋或高跟鞋。Please wear suitable clothes and soft-soled leather shoes or rubber shoes. Do not wear shoes with steel spikes or high heels.

参赛者只能穿着胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米的钉鞋比赛。Participants shall only wear rubber-soled sports shoes or running shoes with spikes not more than 6 mm long for the competition.

这就是为什么高尔夫和棒球运动员穿钉鞋来稳定他们的脚,这样在回转中可以产生极大的动力。That is why golfers and baseball players use spikes to completely stabilize their feet so that great momentum can be generated in the swing.

如果同组比赛者通过修整钉鞋破坏的痕迹故意改进另一名与他同组球员的推杆路线,那这名同组比赛者应该按照规则1-2接受处罚。If a fellow-competitor purposely improves the competitors line of putt by repairing spike damage, the fellow-competitor is penalized under Rule 1-2.

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篮球,足球,羽毛球拍,乒乓球拍,健身器材,运动护具,跑钉鞋等学校体育器材。Basketball, football, fea ther racker, Soldier's racker, do exercise to keep fit the device, sport protecting equipment, Run spiked shoes eto school athletics device.

曾经棒球就是你的生活,但是退役之后,你不再穿上那些钉鞋,生活出现前所未有的空虚,你需要寻找到新的激情去填补它。Since my retirement, I have searched for the next passion that could fill the void that a life playing baseball creates when you are no longer putting on those spikes.

今天,猎鹰鞋已经为世界顶级专业运动员所需要,并且成为了钉鞋诞生以后最伟大的球鞋革新。Today, the Predatorâ is the required footwear for the world's top professionals and is considered the single greatest football boot innovation since the screw-in stud.