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点杖在两支雪板正好放平的时候!Plant the pole "exactly" where skis are flatten!

唯一我们能够写的就是一板正经的情书。The only thing one can write that is a bit serious—a love letter.

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反光板正好将正确的颜色添加进了照片。The reflector added just the right amount of color back in to the image.

此时就可以在LED单元板正面对其进行测试。Then the testing can be carried out on the front face of the LED unit board.

这样看来这两个目标是相矛盾的,而看板正被看作是解决这个难题的策略。So the two goals are conflicting, and Kanban can be seen as a strategy to resolve the dilemma.

目的探讨方丝弓矫治器配合使用平面导板正畸治疗对牙根吸收的影响。Objective To study the root resorption caused by edgewise appliance combined with flat bite plate treatment.

观看图文板正面,了解非环保设备所消耗的资源量。Watch the front of the graphic panel the amount of resources consumed by non-environmentally friendly equipments.

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对于我们其馀的人,这道道地地就是笑话,但是呐德往往一板正经地看待这本书。To the rest of us, it was a joke, pure and simple, but Ned, would often get into a very solemn mood about the Book.

手机铃声正响着、电子邮件正等待回复、日程安排正在催促、老板正站在你门口,等等。The cell phone is ringing, e-mail is notifying, your calendar is screaming, and your boss is standing in your doorway.

灰色地板正迅速席卷整个地板市场,成为市场大热。随处可见的灰色地板、灰色装饰、灰色墙面…灰色时代正来临。Gray flooring has been exploding in a big way. You'll see gray floor, gray decors, gray walls, you name it – gray is in.

作为球屋外壳的玻璃嵌板正在吊装进入外形独特的钢筋支架里。The glass panels that make up the carapace of the spheres were being lowered onto steel supports in eye-catching shapes.

表面喷涂硫酸钡的漫反射板正入射时是最接近朗伯特性的用于标定光谱辐射亮度的实用漫反射板。Sprayed BaSO 4 diffuser plate is the most Lambertian surface actually used in spectral radiance calibration known by now.

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把板放置在一个太阳模拟器中。无论是与太阳能电池板正面或者反面接触,都连接到电压表。The panel is placed in a solar simulator. Negative and positive contacts of the solar panel are connected to a voltmeter.

这一日,老板正轻轻擦着她的理发刀。这是一把令天下头发皆闻风丧胆的名刀。This day, the owner be lightly wiping her haircut knife. This is an all smell breeze the world hair extremely frightened of knife.

层板正反均可放置,四周立边可获得一定程度防溢效果。The positive and negative of the board can be placed, and the surrounding edge can obtain a certain degree of anti overflow effect.

蜂窝板正是一种新型的以纸代木的环保材料,具有质轻、抗压、抗震性能好、可循环使用等优点。Honeycomb panels are one solution to the problem due to their light weight, recyclability , and good resistances to crushing and earthquake.

冬季装修所用的饰面板正处于最为干燥的时候,所以它的表面在制作完成后非常轻易脆裂。Winter decorates place to use act the role of face plate to be in most dry when, so its surface is in make after finishing very easy fragile crack.

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我提到了我曾参与过圣地亚哥的一场政治选举中,我现在的老板正想进入安克雷奇的议会,这让他对我很感兴趣,这一步我走的很对。I mentioned that I'd worked on a political campaign in San Diego. My current boss is running for office in Anchorage, which sparked his interest in me.

准备丰富多彩的花纹板正在筹备丰富多彩的花纹板,因与顶部和底部,图案层和融化层的塑料板。Preparing a colorful pattern board being preparing a colorful pattern board having a plastic board with a top and a bottom, a pattern layer and a melting layer.

传统的卧床一般都是板板正正的长方形双人床,形式上也不外乎是木制、铁制床架配以弹簧床垫。Traditional lie in bed is commonly board board rectangular double bed , formally also nothing more than it is ligneous, iron makes bedstead match with spring-mattress.