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这就是“杀青”工序了。This is the "fixation" procedure.

那将会是一个激动人心的杀青派对。WHAT a wrap party that's going to be.

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克兰福德剧组终于杀青了。The cast and crew of Cranford finally wrap.

电影杀青并进入发行阶段。The film is complete and ready for release.

他所做的一切销售计画都是不能杀青的。Every selling plan mdewoulse by him is impossible of execution.

假使这样的梦能杀青第二次的话会多么了不起。For that dream to come true a second time would be quite amazing.

您在三部片子杀青前就开始剪接了吗?Did you start editing before having completed shooting three films?

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黑毛茶的制造工艺分杀青、初揉、握堆、复揉、干燥五道工序。There are five procedures i. e. fixation kneading piling re-kneading and drying.

当看到杀青的片子中还保留着这段时,没人比我更惊讶了。No one was more surprised than me to find that it was still in the finished film.

在圣乔治大学,我产生了写一部新书的念头,并得以在毕业前杀青。At St. George’s, I got the idea for a new book, which I finished before graduation.

你操刀的影片或会完成准备,放送出街,又或是书籍杀青,准备出版。Your film documentary may be ready to air soon, or your book may be ready for publication.

对30型滚筒连续杀青机的杀青温度和时间进行了研究。It was studied on fixation temperature and time of rotary continuous fixation machine model 30.

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以不同的杀青方式,探讨杀青工艺对柿叶绿茶感官品质的影响。Effects of the fixing technology on the organoleptic qualities of green persimmon tea were studied.

此茶经杀青、初揉、渥堆、复揉、干燥等五道工序而制造成。The main procedures of Tian jian tea are de-enzyming, twisting, moisten heaping and heat energy dehydration.

杀青是茶叶加工中必不可少的一道工序,而且杀青质量的好坏,直接关系到茶叶品质的高低。Water-removing is essential to tea processing which is directly related to the quality of finished products.

结果表明,芦笋汁加工过程中以杀青和杀菌阶段的营养损失最大。The results showed that blanching and sterilization were the main stages of nutrient losses during processing.

本文利用夏秋季鲜叶原料对不同工艺杀青绿茶化学成分的含量和品质进行了研究。The chemical components and qualities of summer-autumn green tea in different processes de-enzyming were studied.

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对名优茶杀青叶进行冷冻存贮,研究其贮藏中主要生化成份、香气等的变化。The changes of main biochemical components and aroma in de-enzyming leaf of quality-tea were studied during its frozen storage.

终极,当每小我的膀胱都撑满的时辰,工作才会有进展并杀青让步,会议才会停止。Eventually everyone's bladder is so full that progress will be made and compromises reached, just to bring the meeting to an end.

它包括智能化调控凉青房凉青和滚筒汽热辅助杀青。It includes intelligent control of the cooling room to cool the tea leaves and deactivation of enzymes assisted by roller steam heat.