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意想不到的事情,总是妙趣横生。The unexpected is always fun!

他们如此高傲自大,但同时也妙趣横生。They are so cocky but also funny.

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他所说的话妙趣横生。What he said scintillated wittiness.

如何利用听众的问题,将枯燥的数字变得妙趣横生。How to use the audience problem to make boring data interesting.

你几乎想不到那么点儿的孩子会说出妙趣横生的话来。You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.

愿你生活的时代妙趣横生,愿你心中所想能美梦成真。May you live in interesting times, May you find what you are looking for.

这样也会妙趣横生,许多最让人受益的谈话就发生在厨房里。It could be fun too — some of the best conversations happen in the kitchen.

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五分钟,十分钟,一个小时,它将是妙趣横生且有知无畏的。For five minutes, ten minutes, an hour, it is gleefully fun, strikingly audacious.

长期以来,男人都试图用巧克力,鲜花和妙趣横生的台词追求女生。MEN have long tried to woo women with chocolates, flowers and witty chat-up lines.

开始时它似乎是一个无聊的戏法,但是请坚持看到一半的地方,它就变得妙趣横生了。It starts off as a boring trick, but hold on until half-way through for the punch-line.

作者从这个妙趣横生的故事的每一个精心构思的情节中都摘录了尽可能多的内容。The author extracts the maximum from every carefully- crafted scene in this witty tale.

瑞典政府则不这么认为,所以一场妙趣横生的对峙将不可避免。The Swedish government isn't so sure, and thus it seems an interesting standoff is in store.

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我喜欢比尔最近出版的书,是因为他善于用幽默的手法使这种枯燥的材料妙趣横生。Bill's latest book is the way he has been able to spice such dull material with flashes of humour.

学习这些作品如何被运用于一些非常成功的职业生涯也让读者感到妙趣横生。Learning how these works were applied during some very successful careers makes good reading, too.

这样一个妙趣横生的旅游景点,即便是呆上数日,也不会感到单调。You will not feel bored after you stay for several days to visit its tourist spots of various interest.

汉字是我们大家共同的交流工具,它们在许多文豪墨客的笔下更是妙趣横生。Chinese is our common tool of communication, they in many wordsmiths scholars pen is full of humour and wit.

他总是能通过许多命令、数据和符号,把屏幕上的死东西变成一个个妙趣横生的动画。He always through many of the commands, data and symbols, the screen becomes a dead thing on a fun animation.

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妙趣横生、激情洋溢、风趣j机智的情节以及美轮美奂的苏格兰风景,使你轻易读完这本厚过600页的书。Filled with humor, passion, wit and wonderful Scottish scenery, this is one fast read for a 600-plus page book.

绕口令是我国一种传统的语言游戏,读起来使人感到节奏感强,妙趣横生。Tongue twister is a traditional Chinese language game. One can experience strong sense of rhythm and fun reading it.

我喜欢比尔最近出版的书,是因为他善于用幽默的手法使这种枯燥的材料妙趣横生。What I like about Bill's latest book is the way he has been able to spice such dull material with flashes of humour.