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这么说明显是轻描淡写了,在我们行走时,好像在参加一个“狼先生,现在几点了?”This is a grand understatement.

轻描淡写、不诉离伤。Touch on lightly. No appeal from the injury.

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说我有些沮丧已经算是轻描淡写了。To say I was despondent is an understatement.

误认在这里也许是一种轻描淡写。Misidentification is perhaps an understatement here.

我们的教科书对越南战争的描述只是轻描淡写。Our textbook only skims the surface of the Vietnam War.

有人指责电视对坏消息轻描淡写。Television has been accused of soft-pedalling bad news.

但是仅有一家全国媒体,对此报道了只字片语,轻描淡写而过。Barely a word about it has appeared in the national press.

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阿尔达的“不当入侵”的描述是轻描淡写。ALDA's "improperly intrude" depiction is an understatement.

这里只轻描淡写地提了几个企业里的问题。These are just a few of the issues surfacing in the enterprise.

圣经似乎刻意轻描淡写耶稣的样式外表。It seems that Jesus' human form was deliberately de- emphasized.

她轻描淡写地解释道,“有那么一点上瘾。”She had, she explains with understatement, "a slight addiction".

说人们疑神疑鬼已经是轻描淡写啦。To say that people are skeptical is the grossest understatement.

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不幸的是,将它称之为安全性漏洞有些轻描淡写。To call this a security hole is to understate the point woefully.

当地媒体对日本跌倒老三这事仅仅轻描淡写。The local news media have played down Japan's slip to third place.

这篇文章对外国石油的需求相当轻描淡写。The message here is quite simple-get off the need for foreign oil.

若说这些公司拥有长远视野,这只是在轻描淡写而已。To say these companies had long-term visions is an understatement.

惬意生活,执一支如诗的笔,于流年的书轻描淡写。Comfortable life, holding a poetic pen, in the time of the book down.

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最后,我想说的是,这本书的成功之处当然在于对语句的轻描淡写。It is of course, that last, understated sentence that does the trick.

要求性的指示,就是“轻描淡写”在管理上的对应。A direction given as a request is a managerial typeof understate ment.

若只是说澳洲资源丰富,这明显有些轻描淡写.To say Australia is rich in resources would be a gross understatement.