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下了一场小雪。There has been a light snow.

我是一个圆圆胖胖的小雪人。I'm a little snowman round and fat.

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今年的第一场雪是小雪。This year's first snow is flurries.

我是一个小雪人,矮矮的胖胖的。I'm a little snowman, short and fat.

我是一个小雪人,圆圆的、胖胖的。I am a little snowman, round and fat.

小雪花从天空飘落。Little snowflake falling from the sky.

小饼干抓起雪球去砸小雪人。Little cookie pound the snowman with snowballs.

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最妙的是下点小雪呀。The most interesting thing is having a little snow.

小雪生活在有着冰城之称的哈尔滨。Xiao Xue lives in Harbin, known as the City of Ice.

天气预报预示今夜有小雪。The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.

云南昆明的莲瓣兰大小雪素去年一直热销。In kunming, yunnan has double light meal Atlantic last year.

手机顽强地响着,他接了电话,是小雪。Mobile phone tenaciously rings, he answers the phone, is snow.

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外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.

在情人区有好多可爱的小雪妹妹。There are so many adorable girl schnauzers here in the Lover Zone.

我一直很期待今天这个美丽的春日午后,虽然下了点小雪。I was hoping for this beautiful spring afternoon, but a little snow.

她穿着睡衣冲出了房子,那时正下着小雪。She rushed out of the room with her pajamas, when snow was spitting.

小雪、大雪表示到了下雪的时节和雪量大小的差别。The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season.

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然后在小雪人的身体两边、围巾下面插上嫩嫩的小树枝作胳膊。Use small twigs under the scarf at the sides of the snowman for arms.

小朋友们玩得真欢,完全顾不上正在下的小雪。The children are playing happily and forget about the snow completely.

初春的小雪压弯了新绿的柳树枝。The snow of early spring bends the pale green branches of the willows.