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电视简直就是个禁区。TV is simply off limits.

电梯和楼梯是我的禁区。Lifts and stairs are unbearable.

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他长传到禁区。He gave a long path to the penalty area.

能把一些大前锋推出禁区。Can push some power forwards off the block.

对欧洲左翼来说,欧元是讨论的禁区。The euro is off-limits for the European left.

他们守门员在禁区内犯规。Their goalkeeper made a foul in the penalty area.

数十年来,这个岛一直都是禁区。For decades, the island was completely off-limits.

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这位巴西球员在禁区边缘击败了巴希。The Brazilian beat Bassi from the edge of the area.

这是一个来自禁区外的远射进球,它进得非常漂亮。It was from outside the area. It was very beautiful.

韦恩和迪米特尔·贝尔巴托夫都习惯在禁区外拿球。Wayne and Dimitar Berbatov do things outside the box.

他是位伟大的射手,在禁区里无人可挡并且经验十足。He's a great striker, strong in the area and very wily.

我们在禁区附近取得了一些机会,我们需要一些突破点,但我们一直没有得到。But you do need a break. We never got the break we needed.

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他已经进入了一个禁区,证实他是一个独身主义者。He has entered a forbidden area, he is a confirmed celibate.

但德国队队员都冲出了禁区,打了一个反越位。Norway rushed out of the penalty area to set an offside trap.

卡卡有一次机会在禁区内进球的,但是球反弹的不好。Kakà had a chance inside the area but the ball bounced up badly.

“一切都是允许的”,但这并不意味着没有禁区。"Everything is permitted" does not mean that nothing is forbidden.

有太多的理由这可是恋情禁区。There are sooo many reasons why this should be a no-go dating zone.

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你只要把球传到禁区右侧,吉布森简直就像个气锤。Put the ball into the right area and Gibson's right foot is a hammer.

当他突入禁区的时候他是那么强大,射入那么多进球。He was so strong when he burst into the area and scored so many goals.

如果裁判认为在禁区内防守方有严重的犯规行为,可以给进攻方球点球。Penalty if the referee consider a serious fault in the Goalkeeper area.