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那支火箭从发射台腾空而起。The rocket lifted off from the launching pad.

飞机从跑道上腾空而起,向北飞去。The plane cleared the runway and headed north.

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火箭腾空而起,顶部携带着卫星。Up went the rocket carrying the satellite on its top.

一片巨大的灰尘腾空而起,一座高架桥瞬间消失了。A HUGE cloud of dust rose and an overpass disappeared.

三年前,官方媒体发表一张照片,显示温家宝在篮球架下腾空而起。Three years ago, a photo appeared in state media showing Mr.

在吊车的协助下,大客车腾空而起,被移放到公路旁。Under crane's assistance, the bus soars, is moved puts to the road nearby.

只见广场上的烟花一朵朵绽放的礼花腾空而起,哇!I saw the square of a blossoming fireworks display fireworks into the sky, wow!

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当升力大于它本身的重量时,竹蜻蜓就会腾空而起。When the lift is greater than its own weight, bamboo dragonfly will into the sky.

炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。Smoke into the sky, like a fairy taking off Xian-yun, thump blurred, when disappeared the next.

当那些测试进展顺利时,测试飞行员马库斯.谢尔德耳第一次使“太阳能驱动”号腾空而起。When those tests went well, test pilot Markus Scherdel took Solar Impulse aloft for the first time.

天鹅们于是随领头鹅再次腾空而起,以圆圈状盘旋在空中,等待观瞧它们劳动的成果。The swans rose again,following the leader,and hovered in that circle,awaiting the results of their labors.

爆竹在篝火中爆炸,炸飞的余烬落到穆通多的新帐篷里,火苗顿时腾空而起。And it blew up and it blew burning embers into Mutondo’s nice new tent. And it went up in a sheet of flame.

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在狐狸的爪子就要抓到母鸟时,它终于放弃伪装,腾空而起。Finally the parent bird gives up its pretence and leaps into the air just in time to escape the fox's jaws.

天鹅们于是随领头鹅再次腾空而起,以圆圈状盘旋在空中,等待观瞧它们劳动成果。The swans rose again, following the leader, and hovered in that circle, awaiting the results of their labors.

当仁波切将“朵”掷出时,这些鹰又同时腾空而起,布满了整个天空,很快消失于天际。When the Fifth Dodrupchen threw out the "flower", these eagles jumped up, filled the sky and soon disappeared.

北京奥运开闭幕式上,绚烂烟花腾空而起,让人印象深刻。Global audiences were impressed by the fireworks performance at the Beijing Olympic opening and closing ceremony.

图中还有一对飞碟,在戴着红白相间的帽子、面带笑容的月亮旁边,一架火箭正腾空而起。It also includes a pair of UFOs and a rocket blasting into the sky besides a smiling moon wearing a red and white hat.

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随后布朗一家向他们的朋友告别,博士的时光机变形后腾空而起,向着未知的时空呼啸而去。After the Browns bid farewell to their friends, Doc's train converts into a hovertrain and roars off into an unknown time.

他把鱼使劲儿摔在亭子的水泥地上,鱼腾空而起,他拿着木棍上来就给这鱼当头一棒。He dumped the fish onto the pavilion's concrete floor and, as they leapt into the air, bashed them over the heads with a wooden stick.

演员一手托鼓腾空而起,另一手同时在空中击鼓,给人以振奋和激励。Performers have to jump up to the sky, with one hand carrying the drum and the other hand beating, which inspires and encourages people.