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当他告诉我时,我真气坏了。I really blew my top when she told me.

这次,村里的人可真气坏了。This time, people are filled with fury.

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当我女儿和人私奔时,我真气坏了。I really blew my top when my daughter eloped.

当我发现那事时,我真气坏了。I really blew my top when I found out about it.

为了一件很小的误会,我真气坏了。I really blew my top over such a small misunderstanding.

他渡过去的真气,虽然无法帮她接上心脉断裂的地方。He passes via of true morale, although can not mount the area that the heart vein splits for her.

理真气壮,永远不怕真理,勇敢地拥护真理,把真理告诉别人,为真理而战斗。Be bold and assured, never fear truth, bravely support truth, tell truth to others and fight for truth.

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这很奇怪!在这个真气能量的海洋里,为什么意念居然能被消耗,接着又能自动地失而复得呢?This is strange, in the energy sea, how can the thought consume, and then automatically change strongly?

天眼打开后,看到的东西往往不一定是清晰的,这是由于体内缺乏真气。Days after the open eye to see things is often inaccurate, which is due to the lack of Zhen Qi in the body.

我真气自己居然这么多年都没注意到这个了不起的演员,我过去可是在录像带租赁店工作!Kicking myself for missing out on this amazing actor for so many years. I used to work in a video store, for crying out loud!

体内的真气已自发运动起来,真气是如此的汹涌澎湃,我进入了十级宇宙共振态。My body true Qi spontaneously acts, which is such highly expanded, so that I enter the tenth level of universal resonating condition.

而黑蚁装模作样地给九妹输了一点真气后,就借口水灵气太厉害,他也没办法。While pretending to nine black ants after my sister lost a bit of qi, an excuse for water sensitivity too much, he didn t also the way.

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他认为九妹也是因为吃了混元丸才变了样子,便把真气输入进了九妹体内。He thinks nine younger sister also because had mixed yuan pills only changed appearance, first the input it into the nine younger sisters body.

但它可能更好,因为这将最有可能是真气,因为我没有看到任何良好的合理化或故事本。But it's probably for the better as it would most likely be infuriating because I don't see any good rationalization or story coming out of this.

真气涌入的速度和流量相当快,但确是有规则的,所以经脉中没有丝毫不适之处。The true Qi inrushing speed and the current capacity are quite quick, but they are regular, hence my acupuncture channels have no uncomfortable feeling.

此时他头抬起,下巴向上,一股真气自体内自然涌出,通身舒畅。At that time he raised his head with chin rising up. A vigorous breath naturally spouted out from his body. After the practice he felt smooth and comfortable.

天贞因为把真气输给了黑大王,只得一个人来荒山重新修炼,却恰巧偷听到王俊与夜犬的谈话。Day her virginity because lost the true spirit to the black king, only one person to barren hills to the practice, but happened to overhear wang junwork and night dog talks.

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她不知该干什么,比尔的无能使她过去三个月的工作变得毫无意义——她真气得咬牙切齿。She didn't know what to do. Bill's incompetence had made most of her work over the last three months quite pointless – she could have gnashed her teeth with sheer frustration.

练气功可以调整阴阳、和畅气血、疏通经络、培益真气,使人的生命得以旺盛,能收到使弱者强、病者康、老者复壮的效果。Regulate Yin-Yang, smooth Qi and blood, dredge the channel, bring up vital Qi, vitalize human life, recover people from bad health and illness as well as revitalize ole people.

说罢,双臂一震,面向前方肌肤上的小嘴儿全都张开了,各自闪电般的射出一道细细的真气束。Say, the double arm is one earthquake, face to the small mouths of front skin all opened, respectively the projection of lightning flash sort together and carefully really annoys a bunch.