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我最不喜欢的电影是诗史片。Epics are my least favorite kind of movie.

一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。A hero fights for freedom , a beautiful , solemn and stirring epic.

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其实,它是有其独特风貌及诗史意义的。In fact, it had unique feathers and importance of the history of poetry.

酒醉而成传世诗作,这样的例子在中国诗史中俯拾皆是。Drunk and into his famous, such examples in history of China in negligible.

诗史片和动作片完全值得在电影院看。For epics and action flicks, it's totally worth it to see them in theaters.

水云“诗史”与杜甫“诗史”之比较。Comparison of Shuiyun" history of poetry " and Du Fu"s " history of poetry ".

水云“诗史”的内容及史学价值。The content of the " history of poetry " of Shuiyun and historiography value.

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舒婷的爱情诗是中国爱情诗史上不可或缺的力作。Shuting's love poetry is significant works in the history of Chinese love poetry.

自唐以来,他的诗就被公认为“诗史”。His poems have generally been accepted as History of poetry since the Tang Dynasty.

从新诗史的角度考察,中国新诗的自由形式更合于新诗本身的品性,不定型就是其已有或应有形式。The free pattern must be the correct one and the uncertain pattern is the real pattern of C.

一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。Braveheart------ . A hero fighting for freedom, some inspired by the tragic history of poetry.

与杜甫“诗史”相比,汪元量的“诗史”明显带有自己所处时代和生活经历的印记。Compared with Du Fu's epic, Wang's works are unique in connecting his own period and experience.

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明清之际的社会环境、实学思潮是影响吴伟业诗史观的主要外部原因。The social environment and"practical trend"are the main outer reasons for the development of this idea.

反映时代风貌,表达人民心声的诗歌才能称为诗史。Only those poems that reflect the scenes of an age and express the wishes of the masses can be called epics.

现代汉语诗史是现代汉语诗人、歌手的作品和他们的读者创造的。The modern Chinese poets, singers and their readers have been creating the history of modern Chinese poetry.

其诗内容充实,感情真挚,有了如杜甫相近的“诗史”价值。His poetry has enriched the content. He also has a genuine feelings as Du Fu's"to record the history by poetry".

著名的特洛伊战争,在荷马诗史中的描述就是神与神,神与人之间的战斗。The famous Trojan War in Homer's description of the history of God and God is God and the people fighting between.

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基于此,白洋淀诗群中的几位女性诗人就具有不可替代的新诗史价值。For his, a few feminine poets in Baiyangdian poetry tribe has irreplaceable value in the development of new poetry.

写人的史家风范,使杜诗“诗史”精神的内涵更加丰富。Historian style of describing characters makes the connotation of spirit of poetic history of Du's poetry more rich.

而在艺术形式方面,他们对杜甫“诗史”又有了重大的突破和发展。Furthermore, they made a breakthrough and developed from the historic poems of Du Fu in the aspect of artistic style.