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我可以给你个好价钱。I can give you a deal.

那么你值更高的价钱么?So you are worth more?

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我付了双倍的价钱。I paid double the price.

对不起,我出不起这个价钱。Sorry, I can't go the price.

那是成功的价钱。That's the price of success.

哪个价钱对我最合适?Which rate fits me the best?

上环现在什么价钱?。Go up annulus now what price?

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价钱都列在价格表上。It's shown in the price list.

价钱以后再定。Prices are to be fixed later.

这所房子的价钱为72000英镑。The house costs 72000 pounds.

它们都以平正的价钱出售。They are sold at a fair price.

试算出领带的价钱。Calculate the price of the tie.

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该诅咒的价钱—我要最好的。Bugger the cost—I want the best.

我可出不起那样的价钱。I can't afford it at that price.

小客车价钱多少?。How much is the limousine charge?

都是价钱贵得离谱的东西,确实如此。So over-overpriced stuff, really.

一根项链卖这个价钱太贵了。That's very steep for a necklace.

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我们出不起这样高的价钱。We can't offer such a high price.

这个不瘦的医生是什么价钱?What price the not-skinny doctor?

这些多叶蔬菜是什么价钱?How much are the leafy vegetables?