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今天,我们有一个伟大的大山雀奶油馅饼。Today we have a great Big Tit Cream Pie.

一只长尾山雀飞落在树枝上。A long-tailed tit alighted on the branch.

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说完,山雀就飞走了。Having said that, the titmouse flew away.

这些女孩吸烟热一对大山雀。These girls are smoking hot with great big tits.

几乎每一天我听到西方山雀。Virtually every day I'll hear a western tanager.

那只山雀被摔昏了,躺在地上一动不动。It was so dazed it just lay there without moving.

我在山里看到了一群银喉长尾山雀。I found a flock of long-tailed tits in the mountain.

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他把山雀带回家,放在一个竹笼里饲养。He took the titmouse home and raised it in a bamboo cage.

山雀、啄木鸟和猫头鹰呆在北方度过这个季节。Chickadees, woodpeckers, and owls stay north for the season.

循声望去,啄木鸟医师看到是小山雀飞过来了。Mother looked, woodpeckers physicians see small tits fly over.

黑冠鸟,山雀一种其他黑冠鸟,如山雀。Any of various other black-crowned birds, such as the chickadee.

“告诉我雪花有多重,”一只山雀问一只野鸽子。"Tell me the weight of a snowflake, "a titmouse asked a wild dove.

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产于美国南部的山雀,与黑冠雀形似但较小。Southern united states chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller.

“那样的话,我必须告诉你一件不可思议的事儿。”山雀说。"In that case I must tell you a marvelous story, " the titmouse said.

大山雀的巢成功率最低,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest.

在林木地带发现的雀鸟有各类柳莺、石青、知更鸟、夜莺和山雀。Sightings in wooded areas include warblers, flycatchers, robins, bulbuls and tits.

本文同时给出了次生林中繁殖的沼泽山雀的主要生长参数曲线及巢特征统计。At the same time, the primary growth parameter and nest-site characteristics was showed.

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很多动物体内产生一种抗氧化剂以对抗自由基-包括雄性大山雀。Many animals' bodies produce antioxidants that fight free radicals—including male great tits.

现在感染大山雀的病毒类型,可能与在欧洲中部发现的一种是一脉相承的。The form now affecting great tits may be the same strain as one discovered in central Europe.

其他鸟类如蓝山雀、大山雀和燕子,也出现了类似现象。A similar pattern has been seen for other species, such as blue tits, great tits and swallows.