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小蜻蜓在我的头上。Dragonfly is on my head.

看,小蜻蜓能飞!Look! Dragonfly can fly!

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我是谁?我是蜻蜓。Who am I? I'm Dragonfly.

我几乎就抓到那只蜻蜓了。I almost had the dragonfly.

蜻蜓少的地方。A place lack of dragonflies.

小蜻蜓是我们的好朋友。Dragonfly is my good friend!

英布里给我抓了一只蜻蜓。Inbry caught me a dragonfly.

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我现在在和一只蜻蜓说话。I was talking to a dragonfly.

它看上去像只蓝色蜻蜓。It looks like a blue dragonfly.

我们不会购买蜻蜓餐馆。We're not buying the dragonfly.

瓜叶上的小蜻蜓。Little dragonfly on squash leaf.

你们都很熟悉蜻蜓吧?Aren't you familiar with dragonfly?

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他看见许多蜻蜓飞掠过水面。He saw many dragonflies hydroplane.

我喜欢蝴蝶和蜻蜓。I like butterflies and dragonflies.

那只小蜻蜓仍然在那里。The small dragonfly was still there.

哦,不,排水沟刚刚把蜻蜓吞没了。Oh, no, the drain just swallowed him.

这次是只蜻蜓在房间里飞来飞去。Flying around the room was a dragonfly.

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蓝蜻蜓,中环香港公园。Blue dragonfly. Hong Kong Park, Central.

稚嫩的蜻蜓,潮湿而单薄Fresh-opened dragonflies, wet and flimsy

小时候我们喜欢玩捉蜻蜓的游戏。In childhood, we liked catching dragonfly.