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本游戏附带了一个巴拉克拉瓦。The game comes with a balaclava.

这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso attaches to the legacy.

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小农场常常会有附带产品。Small farms often offer extras, too.

这份合同有附带条款。This contract has provisory clauses.

可附带按键式开关功能。Capable for adapting with push switch.

这种事先的准备工作是附带进行的。This kind of previous job is accessary.

附带问一句,这是动机还是主题呢Is this a motive or a theme, by the way?

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这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso is attached to this legacy.

附带告诉你一个好消息。Incidentally, here's a good piece of news.

看护河流有许多附带的好处。Guarding rivers has many spin-off benefits.

我总是试图使用夹板附带踏板我使用。I was playing golf and my cleats got stuck.

请申请部门附带此项活动的流程表!Please attach the flow chart of this event!

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这代表了这是一次干净的、不附带任何条件的分手。Which means it's a clean, no-strings break.

可以附带影响选民配对结果如何呢?Can fringe voters affect the Pairwise result?

浮油-留下了讨厌的附带了意外的惊喜!Oil Slick – leaves a nasty spin-out surprise!

如果不附带选项,程序会生成三列输出。With no options, produce three-column output.

请申请部门附带此项活动的流程表!Please attach the flowing chart of this event!

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保持附带的塑料勺干爽放入瓶内,拧紧瓶盖。Always use a dry scoop and replace lid tightly.

大脑冻结现在只影响附带寒冷效果的冰系伤害法术。Cold as Ice doesn't affect Deep Freeze anymore.

你想不想要张免费的票?无任何附带条件。Do you want a free ticket? No strings attached.