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他起草了讲演稿。He drafted his speech.

我在起草一篇演说稿。I am drafting a speech.

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他起草发言稿。He drafted out his speech.

报告起草完了吗?。Have you drafted the report?

她替他们起草一个计划。She draft out a plan for them.

你正在起草文件吗?Are you drawing up the documents?

起草另一个联合国八大决议?Draft another 8 U. N. Resolutions?

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明天我们就能够开始起草文件。We could start drafting it tomorrow.

他们都参与了公约的起草过程。They were all a part of the drafting.

起草下次会议议程,5分钟F. Draft next meetings agenda, 5 minutes

他起草了一份辞职报告。He drafted out his letter of resignation.

此外,他还起草了一份产品成本及收益表。He's also drawn up cost and profit charts.

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伍德拉夫进了橄榄球起草于1979年。Woodruff was drafted into the NFL in 1979.

她也是起草这份报告的小组主席。She chaired the group that wrote the report.

活动的策划书将由社团起草。The plan book draft should be written by club.

市长让人起草了第九个五年计划。The mayor had the Ninth Five-Year Plan drafted.

伊娃正忙着起草她的大会发言。Eva's busy drafting her speech for the conference.

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负责公司年度计划及总结的起草。Draft out the annual project and the final summary.

战后两国起草了一个合约。After the war the two country draw up a disgreement.

但是反同性恋法案之后很快就起草了。But the antigay bill was drafted shortly thereafter.