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热闹的晚会和寂寞的焰火。Busy parties and lonely skyrockets.

华盛顿湖的焰火真的是非常的令人回味。The fireworks at the washington Lake is owesome!

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天空被焰火映得通亮。The sky shone with the light from the fireworks.

凡是能冲上去的,能散发出来的焰火,都是美丽的。The fireworks that jump high and go far are beautiful.

人们常年使用焰火这个表达。People use the expression fireworks throughout the year.

届时,美国各地将举行各种形式的巡游,野餐会和焰火表演。They hold parades, picnics and set fireworks mark the day.

这是一个弥漫着音乐、焰火和种族争议的周末之夜。It was a night of music, fireworks, and ethnic controversy.

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有的地方甚至会组织焰火晚会。Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party.

以下是全世界100张最令人惊叹不已的焰火表演图片。Here we present 100 Most Breathtaking Fireworks in The World.

吉林市在元宵节那天举行了焰火晚会。The city provides a firework display for the Lantern Festival.

提供冷光焰火,手持烟花,组合礼花弹。Provide cold light fireworks, hand-hold fireworks, firecrackers.

在澳大利亚西南部,一朵鲜红的邦克西木花像焰火一样怒放。A scarlet banksia blooms like fireworks in Australia's southwest.

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让他们生活在自己选择的焰火咝咝飞溅的世界中吧。Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks.

在同一时间处理多个焰火或烟花并不安全。Handling more than one sparkler or firework at a time is not safe.

那个围绕着黑洞的环中正在绽放着恒星诞生的焰火。The ring around the black hole is bursting with new star formation.

焰火烂漫映长空,和谐昌宁展新姿。Brilliant fireworks reflect the sky, harmony Changning Revitalisation.

大家赶快点上灯,又燃放焰火、花炮。People then lit their lanterns and set off fireworks and firecrackers.

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林冲就床上放了包裹被卧,坐下生些焰火起来。Lin Ch'ung put his pack and quilt on the bed and sat there by the fire.

焰火晚会结束了,但是人们还留恋在晚会之中。The fireworks display over, but people still want to stay at the party.

在英国第一次看到焰火是在布罗德斯泰斯。It's in Broadstairs where to see the fireworks in UK for the first time.