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我冷若冰霜。I'm like ice.

反之,则是冷若冰霜。Instead, it is cold-hearted.

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埃里克森否认自己是一个“冷若冰霜的男人”。Sven denied he was an "ice man".

同别人握手要显得亲切,不要冷若冰霜。Let your handshake be firm, not fishy.

凯瑟琳至此可说是冷若冰霜。Catherine had been ice up to this moment.

教师对待学生不应该冷若冰霜。Teachers should not treat their pupils coldly.

我们也许是冷若冰霜而无法作出反应。We may be frozen emotionally, unable to respond.

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她的冷若冰霜也许激起了他好胜的灵魂。Her indifference aroused perhaps his combative soul.

受到你那冷若冰霜的接待,我的心都裂开来了。To be received in your frozen manner is heart-rending.

以为你冷若冰霜,愿意与你一起把青春埋葬!Thought you 'd like to come with you stern manner, the youth buried!

苏珊一次约会中似乎喜欢我,在又一次约会中又对我冷若冰霜。Susan seems to like me on one date and then turns very cool on the next.

大家都知道罗伯特是冷若冰霜的人,几乎没有什么人敢请他帮忙。Few people dared turn to Robert for help, for he is often as cold as ice.

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而威武又冷若冰霜的女侠啊,你真的整个正到不行!The mighty frosty again the Woman ah, you really will not do a whole are to!

这些人以前从未冷落过他,而今却对他冷若冰霜,真使他灰心丧气。He was depressed by the coldness of these humans who had never been cold before.

他会摆出一副冷若冰霜的样子,并不断使用“阁下”这种尊称。His use of the honorific "sir" would multiply while he assumed a glacial demeanor.

像小龙女般虽然貌若天仙,却冷若冰霜的情人。Like young Long female although appearance if angel, actually icedcold sweetheart.

这位警官姓霜,生性冷若冰霜。他走进厨房,站在我身旁。The inspector, Frost by name and by nature, came into the kitchen, stood beside me.

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有些国营商店的营业员态度冷若冰霜,拒人千里之外。Shop ssistants in some state-run shops are frosty in manner, repelling customers from a distance.

有时我会像哲学家和智者一样沉思,有时我的行为却像个蠢才疯子,有时我会热情如火,有时冷若冰霜。Sometimes i am a philosopher, a sage. sometimes a jerk, sometimes a cold fish , sometimes a ball of fire.

更糟的是,那个曾殷勤地求她帮忙的小女孩,突然间变得冷若冰霜。To make matters worse, the sweet girl who had politely asked for a favor, suddenly turned cold and aloof.