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如同个体一样,团体也会遭难。Communities as well as individuals suffer.

偷袭珍珠港是一次具有毁灭性的遭难。The attack on Pearl Harbor am a crushing calamity.

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他怀念了我们遭难的人,因为他的仁慈永远常存。He remembered us in our humiliation, his kindness endures forever.

那些汽车堵住出口能把这地方变成遭难场所。The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death-trap.

如果政府又用法律的形式来禁止这些研究,一些人将会遭难。Stemcell research may save lives by using the cells to specialize in a certain area.

“先生”对于罪犯,正象一杯水对于墨杜萨①的遭难音。Monsieur to a convict is like a glass of water to one of the shipwrecked of the Medusa.

在其遭难的那天,菲达一如往常地走在同一条路上。On that fateful day Faida was on the same road she always took after working in the peanut fields.

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你使他在遭难的日子,得享平安。惟有恶人陷在所挖的坑中。That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked.

虽然阿芙罗狄蒂总是热心帮助遭难的情人,但她也同样迅速地惩罚那些拒绝爱情召唤的人。Always eager to help lovers in distress, Aphrodite was equally quick to punish those who resisted the call of love.

或者耶和华见我遭难,为我今日被这人咒骂,就施恩与我。It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day.

一只穿山甲不小心打穿了山洞,两个妖精逃了出来,从此百姓遭难。A pangolin was not careful has punctured the cave, two spirits ran away, henceforth the common people suffered disaster.

她是我们的海丝特——我们这镇上自己的海丝特,她对穷人多么好心肠,对病人多么肯帮忙,对遭难的人多么有安慰啊!It is our Hester- the town's own Hester- who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted!

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这石像代表一个美丽的男子,它是用一块洁白的石头雕出来的,跟一条遭难的船一同沉到海底。It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck.

第二辆车上的医师不会参与除非复生努力失败然后宣布遭难者死亡。The medics on the second ambulance would not get involved unless all resuscitation efforts were exhausted and the victim declared lifeless.

可是那三个可怜的遭难者,却因为焦虑着自己的处况,睡也睡不着,只好在一棵大树的荫凉底下呆呆地坐着。The three poor distressed men, too anxious for their condition to get any sleep, were, however, sat down under the shelter of a great tree.

并向Leslie谎称他们是“国家遭难者权利协会”的职员,想知道还有哪些人可能会杀死Terrence。He tells Leslie that they are part of the National Victims’ Rights Association and uses that guise to ask Leslie who else might have killed Terrence.

粗略翻一下,罗杰斯敦促投资者考虑及早退出美元多头,“长期看,美元的走势将会是一场遭难。”"Longer term the US dollar is going to be a total disaster, " Rogers said, urging investors to "think about getting out of US dollars before it's too late.

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共和党另一些大佬也因他们对婚姻不忠而遭难,对性丑闻无情曝光的逻辑,并未仅仅针对预定目标而放过其拥护者。Other GOP leaders, too, came to grief for their infidelities, the remorseless logic of sexual exposure sparing its advocates no more than its intended targets.

我们要起来,上伯特利去,在那里我要筑一座坛给神,就是在我遭难的日子应允我的祷告,在我行的路上保佑我的那位。Then come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone.

其他居住在洞穴里的蝙蝠若受到干扰也会遭难,尤其是在冬季,如果把它们从冬眠中惊醒,会使它们失去关键的脂肪储备,置之于死地。Others who live in caves can suffer if they are disturbed, particularly in the winter when arousal from torpor can cause them to lose critical fat reserves and die.