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我唆使他做的。I goaded him on.

是谁唆使你玩这种把戏的?Who put you up to this trick?

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他唆使狗攻击侵入者。He set the dogs on the trespasser.

她唆使他去冒险。She goaded him into taking the risk.

他受人唆使打碎了我的窗子。He was spurred on to break my window.

他受唆使杀死了老汤姆。He was suborned into killing the old Tom.

是谁唆使他去做这件害人的事?Who set him on to do this piece of mischief?

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毒品商有可能试着唆使出国者。Drug traders may try to suborn departing persons.

在这个问题上,他受到了其他内阁同僚的唆使。In that he was goaded on by some of his cabinet colleagues.

援助和唆使谋杀的塔利班政权与杀人犯同罪。By aiding and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder.

两人展开决斗,最终阿纳金在帕尔帕廷的唆使下杀死了这位西斯尊主。The two dueled, and at Palpatine's goading, Anakin killed the Sith Lord.

后来在自然课上,布里塔尼告诉我,是她唆使那个人邀请我的。Then Brittany told me during science class that she had put him up to it.

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男孩子们声称是犯罪同伙唆使他们干的。The boys claimed that they had been goaded on by their criminal companions.

这的确是一个被低阶的属下狼唆使的“妥协仪式”。This is actually an "appeasement ritual" instigated by the SUBORDINATE wolf.

宇宙大帝重新格式化大黑暗天并唆使其播下未来崩坏之种。Unicron reformats him and instructs him to sow the seed of future destruction.

那名官员连同唆使他绑架的保镖双双被捕。The official was arrested along with his bodyguard who abetted him in the kidnapping.

我不想问你什么鬼使神差,会唆使我们的克劳德干这种可怕的事。Iwillnot ask you what devilish impulse movedyou incite our Claudetodo this awful deed.

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晚上罗逸菲对钟离下了迷药,她唆使钟离从楼上跳下去。Night Luo Yifei from drugged clock, she had put the clock from the jump from upstairs.

你不曾唆使拉山德跟随我,假意称赞我的眼睛和面孔吗?HELENA Have you not set Lysander, as in scorn, To follow me and praise my eyes and face?

而在圣经中,天使们却常常是唆使人们互殴的肌肉发达的壮汉模样。In the Bible, however, angels are muscular bullies who frequently goad humans into fistfights.