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叶子用水来制造养分。Leaves use water to make food.

牛奶用来给他们的身体提供养分。The milk supplied the goodness for their bodys.

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土壤养分贮量随粘粒的增加而提高。Soil nutrients increase as clay content increase.

坝上地区土地利用与覆被变化对土壤养分的影响。Effect of land use and land cover on soil nutrients.

卵孢子萌发不需外源养分。Germination of oospores don't need exotexix nutrient.

一个不大的恐惧过分就这个养分。One has little to fear of overdosing on this nutrient.

植物生长量与养分释放量是正相关的关系。Plant growth and nutrient release are directly related.

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他俩的呼吸共同为某个我们所不识的人提供养分。Their breaths together feed someone whom we do not know.

这类食品可以给你的宠物猫提供她必要的全部养分。This food provides all the nutrition your pet cat needs.

施硫磺粉对土壤养分没有明显的影响。Sulphur powder has no remarkable effect on soil nutrition.

再一次这些养分可以通过泥泵回收利用。Again these nurtients could be recycled through the dredge.

红薯皮上含有良多有益安康的养分物质。Sweet potato skin contains many useful nutrients in Ankang.

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水分亏缺可使土壤养分的有效性降低。Water stress can decrease the availability of soil nutrients.

不同的作物轮耕,以防止土壤养分枯竭。Rotate agricultural crops to prevent the sapping of nutrients.

食用更多豆类,各种豆类是养分供应站。Eat more beans. Beans of all kinds are nutritional powerhouses.

猪、牛、马、羊粪的养分含量及性质如何?Pigs, cattle, horses, sheep manure nutrient content and nature?

这会导致停产的供应养分到该地区。This can lead to the cut-off of supply of nutrients to the area.

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鳞茎是植物的地下根茎,为幼芽提供养分。Bulbs are underground plant stems. They provide food for a shoot.

覆盖提高了杨树叶片养分浓度。Mulching heightened the nutrient concentrations of poplar leaves.

市郊菜区生产的蔬菜中养分的结构基本是合理的。The structure of the vegetable nutrient is reasonable is Shihezi.