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好,由你定个具体日子吧。Ok, you name the day.

您要到的具体地址是什么?What is your address?

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您要到的具体地址是什么?What tis your address?

但具体怎么收费呢?But how much to charge?

我不太清楚具体原因I don't know precisely why.

别罗唆了,好不好?我有具体时间就去做。I'll do it when I HAs time.

做出具体的道歉。Make your apology specific.

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具体实施了吗?Where’s the implementation?

我所说的网络通具体指的是什么呢?What do I mean by web savvy?

我需求更多的具体时间。I commor some-abundance time.

所以,你是具体做什么演员?What sort of acting do you do?

羊角风的危害具体有哪些呢?Epilepsy what specific harm it?

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他并没有指出具体的股票名称。He didn't name specific stocks.

他没提出具体股票名称。He didn’t name specific stocks.

具体取决于您的组织。It depends on your organization.

意为“某人花费多少具体时间做某事”。It tooks sb. some time to do sth.

在底端,它是比较具体的。At the bottom, it's very concrete.

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您好。我有非常具体的需求。Hello. I have very specific needs.

这个意思你说得不够具体。Your idea was not specific enough.

这具体的我也说不上来。I can't tell you anything concrete.