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据考证,可能与当时的屯田制度有关。According to research, may be related to the then Tuntian system.

文章指出,屯田在宋夏灵州之战中开始出现,并逐渐由临时补给措施转化为常规补给方式。The paper points out that the cultivation appeared for the first time during the war of Lingzhou.

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屯田是宋军在对西夏作战中粮食补给的重要来源之一。Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song's army during the wartime with Xixia.

本文对青海历代屯田、垦殖的史实作简略记述,并简单评价其对生态环境造成的影响。This paper discusses the history and make a simple estimate of its impact on the ecological environment in Qinghai.

清代新疆大兴屯田,农业发展卓有成效,农事诗就是这一情况在诗歌创作方面的反映。The agriculture of Xinjiang during Qing dynasty is flourishing, poets created lots of poems about agricultural affairs.

元代西夏遗民的社会地位由其所处社会阶层的不同而形成差别,其社会阶层主要由官吏、民户、屯田户、军户、驱口、僧祇户等组成。The social status of adherents of the Western Xia in the Yuan Dynasty differed greatly due to social stratum they were in.

辽东盐场增加了14个,这一点与明朝政府在这一地区实行军事屯田直接相关。The salterns in Liaodong increased by 14, which was directly related to the military cultivation here of the Ming government.

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本文重点讨论宋夏战争背景下西北屯田的空间分布规律及其发展差异。This paper tries to discuss the geographical distribution of cultivation and the differences of its development in various areas.

同时作为边塞妇女,她们屯田、守卫城防,又从事着与内地妇女不同的劳作。But as women in border area, their work such as opening up wasteland and defending border was different from that of inland women.

随着西北边疆的逐步扩展及屯田军事性质的不断加强,屯田与守御最终在西域地区合而为一。With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops, the two systems finally united as one.

在国有土地上进行生产的主要为屯田兵士、具有农奴身份的“佃耕者”与服苦役者。The producers working in the state owned land primarily were farming soldiers, tenantries in serf status, prisoners and war captives.

在官田中,屯田最发达,分布广,延续时间长,在全国具有重要地位。Opening up wasteland and growing food grain, which was flourishing and widely dispersed, lasted for a long time and made a strong impact.

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为此,明朝中央在此设置军民卫所、屯田、驻军等制度。Therefore, Ming dynasty central government came to there to set up military and civil fortress, opened up wasteland and garrisoned and so on.

屯田是由国家政府颁布的集政治、经济、军事于一体的特殊政策。Stationing troops and opening up land is a special policy by which the government wish to put politics, economy and military affairs together.

唐代司农卿、少卿的一般职掌包括负责接收地方税收、管理本司下属、经管京畿屯田、参与修国史、荐贤举能、衔命出使等方面。They took charge of local revenue, the management of its subordinates, compiling historical document, recommending the virtuous and able and so on.

在历代政府的统治过程中,屯田在实边、拓土、定国、治国等方面都发挥着积极的作用。Stationing troops and reclaiming land played an active role in strengthening the frontier, expanding land, fixing the state and governing the country.

屯田者所缴纳的限米远远高于普通民户耕种自己的私田或佃种官田所缴纳的各项土地租税的总和。In Three-kingdom period, the ordinary families of Wu worked on their own land or rent state-owned land, and paid land taxes such as rice, cloth and money.

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屯田者所缴纳的限米远远高于普通民户耕种自己的私田或佃种官田所缴纳的各项土地租税的总和。These people have also to pay tax rice as prescribed for diem, which are even higher than the taxes and rents put together paid by ordinary fanners or tenants.

在中国历史上,移民屯田是开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要政策。During the history in China, stationing the migration to open up wasteland is one of important policies of exploitation of borderlands and stability of frontier defenses.

许下屯田是东汉末年曹操在统一北方过程中采取的一项重要措施。Stationing soldiers at Xuxia and making them raise their own food was an important step, which was taken by Caocao, to unify the north at the last years of Donghan dynasty.