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他在道尔市长设立由市府赞助的多元特别工作组供职。He serves on a city-sponsored Diversity Task Force set up by Mayor Doyle.

“波普”案的上诉人从其市府警察的工作上被解雇。The petitioner in Bishop had been fired from his job as a city policeman.

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接着市府法庭的代理法官理查德·奈斯交接了审判。” as Richard E. A. Nunes, the acting chief judge of Municipal Court, entered.

市府表示,每年全市约有六万五千宗在消防通道上非法停车的案例。City government, said the city every year about 65000 channels of illegal parking in fire case.

市府官员和顾客一起前来庆祝这个非凡的街头小店。Officials and customers came together to celebrate their extraordinary neighborhood restaurant.

群众举着横幅,涌向市府大门,暂算克制。The crowd is raising banners, surging towards the main city government gate, self-restrained overall.

收音机里传来,市府广场前倒数读秒的欢呼声The cheers of counting down the seconds for the New Year in front of the City Hall comes from the radio

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屯溪为黄山市府所在地,离黄山名胜风景区有60公里。Tunxi is the administrative part of Huangshan City and is 60km from the Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area.

陈玉驹主席出席纽约市府华员会周年晚会。President York Chan attended the annual dinner of the Chinese American Association of the City of New York.

市府官员仍在讨论是否能因为这场空前的风暴而接纳缺席者晚到的选票。City officials are debating whether to allow late absentee ballots due to the unprecedented election day storm.

终航线由主竞委艇上基隆市府旗与红色浮标之间连线为终航线。The Finish line will be between the pole displaying Keelung City Flag on Main Race Committee Boats and Red Buoy.

如今市府的那些高级官员面临刑事起诉甚至可能服刑。But a smart TV reporter dug the dirt up anyway and now these top city officials face criminal charges and maybe jail.

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该判决还下令约翰内斯堡市府支付申请人应给予高院政制事务局局长及消委会的费用。The judgment also ordered the City of Johannesburg to pay the costs of the applicants in the High Court, the SCA and the CC.

高雄市府新闻处长许立明代表市长陈菊表示,这份邀请“超越宗教、政治和其它因素。”Hsu Li-ming, speaking for Chen Chu, mayor of Kaohsiung, said the invitation “transcends religion, politics and other factors”.

由市府文化局主办的「高雄国际货柜艺术节」,今年是第二次举办。This is the second time that the Bureau of Cultural Affairs is organizing the Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival.

这名男子据说曾告诉邻居,虽然他全身拜倒、匍匐在地,向一名市府官员求情,福利金仍被删除。The man reportedly told neighbors that he had been denied benefits even though he had prostrated himself be-fore a city official.

市府表示,增加这项违章行为的罚款,主要是同安省其它城市达到同一标准。City stated that the increase of the illegal acts of a fine, primarily with other cities in Ontario to achieve the same standards.

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垃圾收集改在夜间进行,而市府官员恐怕那音乐会扰人清梦。Garbage collection is to be late at night and the city government officials are concerned that the music will disturb people's sleep.

2001年秦珊娜在市府附近的复兴路上开了一家小吃店,也吸引了许多忠实客户。In 2001, Wassana finally opened a restaurant on Fusin Road near the City Government and has built a solid customer base over the years.

于金山主席到市府出席由纽约市议会举办的亚太美裔传统月庆祝晚会。President Justin Yu attended the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration hosted by the New York City Council in the City Hall.