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这次真是不虚此行!This has really been a rewarding trip.

这让我们不虚此行。and it makes for a really nice day out.

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我希望这个讲座让每个人感觉到不虚此行。I hope this lecture made everyone feel regret it.

一瞬间,我感到此番乘飞机11小时前来日本真是不虚此行。Suddenly, the 11 hour flight to Japan was worth it.

飞往空间站的行程虽然漫长,但不虚此行。The trip to the station felt long but it was worth it.

对于每一位去过的人好像特别有不虚此行的感觉。It seemed to be especially worthwhile to everyone who went.

即使留不住,如此隆重奢华的祭奠也算不虚此行吧。Even if not to stay, so grand luxury Memorial also to be a trip.

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不要求旅途一帆风顺,而要求旅途完成时说不虚此行。Ask not that the journey be easy, ask instead that it be worth it.

沉浸在陶瓷文化的脉脉流韵中,直让你感叹不虚此行。Immersed in the ceramic culture and rhyme flow, let you sigh not straight.

我们相信,糖酒会上多层次的服务一定会使您不虚此行。We believe that our service at various levels would make your visit more valuable.

试试「萝莎瑞欧墨西哥餐馆」里的牧场牛排,你就会觉得这次来德州算是不虚此行!Try the steak ranchero at Rosario's Mexican Cafe and you'll know you've been to Texas!

试试「萝莎瑞欧墨西哥餐馆」里的牧场牛排,你就会觉得这次来德州算是不虚此行!Try the steak ranchero at Rosario 's Mexican Cafe and you'll know you've been to Texas!

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参观过后可以在相邻的狮城大厦用餐和购物,不虚此行。This can be followed by a meal and shopping at Plaza Singapura which is right next door.

虽然是短短的岁月,但是我们的完整人生使我们在结束的那一刻觉得不虚此行。Although short years, but our full life so that we end the moment that a worthwhile trip.

如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行,你就必须把眼睛睁得大大的。You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.

我千里迢迢来到这就是为了今晚站在门口,只要我那老伙计露面我也就不虚此行了。I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.

在桂林旅游时,我被那里美丽的风景迷住了,真是不虚此行。I fell in love with the beautiful sceneries in Gui Lin when I traveled there. It was a trip worth while.

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来纽约听百老汇音乐剧吧。这是精彩的、热情的、欢乐的音乐。你一定会不虚此行。Come here to hear the music. Because it is wonderful, exciting, happy music, and you will have a wonderful time.

我想请您参观本公司所陈列的货品,我相信您会发现,一定不虚此行。I'd like you to see the articles we have on display at our office. You will find it a worthwhile visit, I be liver.

同时,我们也衷心祝愿崔博士不虚此行,汲取丰富的西方文化之营养,益发光大!Meanwhile we wish Dr. Cui to enjoy the trip and to benefit from the western arts to make his career more brilliant.