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设计与科技室是装备精良。D&T Room is well-equipped.

工厂已装备起来了。The plant has been tooled.

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把装备放在第三号仓房。Put the equipment in No3 bay.

玩家可以给角色装备防具。You can wear protective gear.

配齐装备并报告。Complete equipment and report.

装备长杆武器,如果有的话,。Equip polearm weapons. If any.

请把绳梯装备起来。Please fix up the rope ladders.

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这些东西使他们装备齐全了。These completed their equipment.

所有运动装备都打了对折。All sports equipment is half off.

这支部队装备很差。The army is very poorly equipped.

如果有疑问,请使用自己的装备。When in doubt, use your own gear.

现在所有渔船都重新装备起来。Now all fishing boats are rejigged.

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士兵装备枪和剑。The Soldier arm'd with Sword & Gun.

即使要分,他们都装备为什么呢?Even to sub, they were equipped Why?

这些车装备了双涡轮增压的V8引擎。This car had a twin turbocharged V8.

步行弓骑兵一应装备由国王拨款购置。Well armed and armoured by the King.

他们无力装备自己的军队。They can't afford to equip their army.

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你不再需要昂贵的跑步装备。You don’t need expensive running gear.

他建议佩戴安全装备。He recommends wearing safety equipment.

它甚至装备了摄像机。It is even equipped with a film-camera.