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时光荏苒,岁月流逝。Years passed by.

光阴似箭,岁月如梭。Time flies like an arrow.

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这就是岁月的结果,岁月。It's the years. The years.

不要虚度青春岁月。Don't idle away your youth.

这种酒真可谓岁月神偷。It's the steal of the year.

人生苦短,岁月如歌。Life is short, like a Song.

任随凡尘岁月的触抚。The touch of earthly years.

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澳大利亚的古老如悠悠岁月。Australia is as old as time.

岁月使他老成了。The years have mellowed him.

我们的青春岁月可以证明这一切。The years of our youth say so.

岁月在他的脸上刻印了很多皱纹。Age stamped his face with lines.

与我同唱,为岁月而歌!Sing with me, sing for the year.

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岁月依旧,念汝如故。Years Still, Miss You As Before.

在岁月的河流里静立。In the years of the rivers vigil.

所以说,52年是一段漫长的岁月。So, yes, 52 years is a long time.

岁月使她的青丝似雪。The years have silvered her hair.

岁月已使她的青丝似雪。The years have silvered her hair.

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直到岁月染白了发际。Till age snow white hairs on thee.

静水流深,岁月悠长。Still waters run deep, long, years.

岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。Age has left its traces on his face.