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肥鸡下蛋稀。Fat hens lay few eggs.

不下蛋,别乱叫。Never cackle unless you lay.

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我们听见了母鸡下蛋后的咯咯叫声。We heard the cackle of the hen.

母鸡下蛋后却展尽吹嘘之能事。The hen boasts what she has done.

难道下蛋前一定要站军姿吗?Must we attention before lay eggs?

不常下蛋的鸡是好蛋鸡吗?Is a hen who seldom lay eggs a good layer?

像雌鸟一样,雌鸭嘴兽也下蛋。The female platypus lays eggs like a bird.

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不叨叨的母鸡不下蛋。If the hen does not prate, she will not lay.

这个养鸡场每天都有很多鸡下蛋。Many chickens lay eggs on this chicken farm.

这样冷的天气母鸡不会下蛋。The hens don't lay during this cold weather.

一只母鸡下蛋后就咯咯叫。A hen clucks lougly after it has laid an egg.

小查的魔法糖之天哪!博士下蛋?Charlie and the Magic Candies— Oops ! Doc Lays Eggs!

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在农庄,母鸡下蛋却孵不出小鸡。On the farms the hens brooded , but no chicks hatched.

下蛋公鸡,公鸡中的战斗机,哦耶!Egg-laying cock, the fighter jet of the cocks . Oh! Yeah!

我一听说下蛋,就抱着小公鸡回窝,好让它快点下蛋。I heard that lay eggs, with small cock back, let it come.

像企鹅筑巢下蛋的地儿。It's like a place where penguins could nest or lay their eggs.

我已经彻底变成了本地人,在后院里养了三只下蛋的鸡。I've gone native and now keep three egg-laying hens in my backyard.

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也许,她只是想找个地方安安静静地下蛋吧。Or maybe she was simply looking for a place to lay her eggs in peace.

他是个十足的吝啬鬼,想从他手里借钱如同叫铁公鸡下蛋一样根本没有可能。He is such a miser. Borrowing money from his is like milking the bull.

噪鹊从来不自己做窝,它们总在别人窝里下蛋。A koel bird never makes her own nest. She lays her eggs in other nests.