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我们当时都是新上任的总统。We were new presidents.

你认同这个新上任的经理吗?Do you approve of the new manager?

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一个新上任的安全官滥用职权。A new security man threw his weight about.

在上任头90天理学会这些步骤。Take these steps within your first 90 days.

新上任的首相也更加顺从。A new, more pliant prime minister took over.

新官上任,这销售经理可不好当。As a new sales manager this will not be easy.

经过多年腐败,我想新官上任需要新人和新的概念。I think a new broom sweeping clean is needed.

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新上任的副总裁真是帅得没话说。The new vice president is stunningly handsome.

起初,那位新上任的治安官以观察员的身份出庭。At first the new jp attends court as an observer.

即使到了下一位更令人振奋的总统上任,它依旧不变。Until the next even-more-wired president, that is.

他计划一上任就签署此项措施。He pleged to sign the measure soon after taking office.

在版主还没有上任之前,就有人问这个版面是干什么的。Befor I get the post, someone has asked what the space is?

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对于新上任的这个市场管理者来说,这次约见无异于醍醐灌顶。For the incoming regulator, the meeting was a wake-up call.

你终于如愿以偿得到了晋升,现在你是新官上任的老板了。You finally got that promotion and now you're the new boss.

我的朋友,你上任后并没有时间接受职业培训。You would not have time for on the job training, my friend.

韩德胜在上任90天新闻发布会上宣称公司正在按计划前行。At the 90 Day Update he claimed GM is operating close to plan.

那个中年男人正式那个新上任的部长。The middle-aged man was no less a person than the new minister.

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外语园地新斑竹板斧上任,全面改版推出!欢迎大家光临!Any foreign language you speak, please come to FOREIGN_LG board!

只见新上任的左庶长正在那里等着呢。I saw the newly appointed Zuoshu Chang was there waiting for it.

教皇福尔摩苏斯上任四年半后去世。Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years.