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我早已归心似箭!My heart like a arrow!

丢失的孩子归心似箭。The lost child is impatient to come back.

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归心似箭。A mind bent on returning is like an arrow.

让姚明归心似箭的还是在休斯敦的妻子。Those who let Yao Ming impatient to get back is in Houston's wife.

我已经好久没有回家了,此刻真是归心似箭。I'm anxious to go back home as I've been away for a very long time.

就想河流注定要汇入大海,岁末临近,我归心似箭。这样的歌词是否最适合形容你此时此刻的心情呢?Like a river always knows just where to flow, now that December comes I feel like coming home.

在霍勒大妈家里的生活比起在继母家里的生活,真是一个天上,一个地下,可这样,她依然归心似箭。Even though she was many thousands of times better off here than at home, still she had a yearning to return.

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一路上并没有赶忙的表现,但是他归心似箭,四天之后,他已坐在去泽尼斯的火车上。In his journey there was no appearance of flight, but he was fleeing, and four days afterward he was on the Zenith train.

法新社称,在这一年一度的人口大流动中,无数的中国人归心似箭,这个国家的交通系统承受了巨大压力,经常出现一些混乱局面。The yearly exodus is marked by chaotic scenes as masses of Chinese desperate to return home overwhelm the nation's transport grid, AFP said.

柔道选手冼东妹为了实现自己的奥运梦想,把家务事放在了一边。如今,成了中国第一个金牌妈妈,她归心似箭。Judoka Xian Dongmei put family matters on hold to achieve her Olympic dream, and now she is China's first gold-medal mum and she can't wait to return home.