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大路渐渐变窄,成了羊肠小道。The road pinched down to a trail.

这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

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哦,“羊肠小道”毫不夸张!Oh, "thoroughfares" is no exaggeration!

羊肠小道向山下蜿蜒伸展。The winding rail descends the mountain.

这条路简直就是条羊肠小道。The road is no better than a sheep track.

有一条羊肠小道可以到达。There's a sheep trail that takes you there.

蛇在羊肠小道上爬行。The snake slithered through a convoluted path.

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山坳里尽是些曲曲弯弯的羊肠小道。There are a lot of winding footpaths in the col.

这条崎岖的羊肠小道非常难走。This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate.

那座险峻的山上只有一条羊肠小道。There is only one narrow passageway up the steep mountain.

这些见不得光的羊肠小道、角落和缝隙是苏格拉底蕴育他的道德学说的温床。These visceral, vacillating lanes, nooks and crannies were his ethical nursery.

今晚,她彻底打消了睡觉的的念头,独自漫步在这些羊肠小道上,可突然她意识到自己被人跟踪了。Tonight, having given up on sleep, she went wandering in these alleys, and became aware that she was being followed.

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一条窄窄的羊肠小道穿过密林延伸到这里,否则我不会冒着让自己迷路的风险走到这里来。There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this.

在喀尔巴阡高山上的一处蛮荒的深谷里,透过正在枯黄的树叶照射下来的苍白的阳光照亮了一条羊肠小道。In a wild ravine high in the carpathian mountains, wan light diffused through yellowing leaves shows a meandering forest path.

我们把自己的头脑,变成他人思想汽车驰骋的高速公路,却不给自己的思维,留下一条细细的羊肠小道。We have our own minds, others into thinking the car gallop highway, but not to his thinking, leaving behind a path of vocabulary.

当他背着十字架,行走在那条羊肠小道,却去修建那座通天塔时,他已经做出了牺牲的准备。When he was carrying the cross, walk on the narrow path. or, but to build that seat, he had already ziggurats made sacrifices of preparation.

在前往雅典的途中,薜西斯发现一支希腊士兵的小部队,正在把守着塞莫皮莱的羊肠小道,坚守在通往希腊中部的道路上。On the way to Athens, Xerxes found a small force of Greek soldiers holding the narrow pass of Thermopylae, which guarded the way to central Greece.

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走进乡村,走在林间的羊肠小道上,脚下的树叶被我踩得“咯叽咯叽”的响。Into the countryside, walking in the forest trail, and I stepped on the foot of the leaves have been "slightly slightly grumble grumble, " the ring.

他双手胸前合十,瘦小的身影在柬埔寨中部雨林的羊肠小道中深一脚浅一脚俯首前行。He would tread, a little bird-like man with hands folded and head bowed, along narrow paths that threaded through the jungle-forests of central Cambodia.

这些小道和风力发电机共同组成了这种从太空上看起来的usb连接线,羊肠小道是连接线,而风力发电机则成了usb的接头,太奇妙了!The tracks and the wind turbines give the impression of seeing USB cables from the sky, the tracks being the cables and the wind turbine being the USB connectors!