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你就是新任管理员?You are the new groundskeeper?

新任的大队长接任了这项工作。The new monitor is taking over the job.

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新任总理阿披于上周宣誓就职。Prime Minister AP was swore in last week.

新任总统深得民气。The new president achieved great popularity.

新任总统经常以冷酷的形象出现在漫画里。The new president is often caricatured as brutal.

猎鹰和我们新任的逗逼蚁人在这里有了场搞笑的对决。Our hilarious Ant-Man had a funny fight with Falcon.

新任领袖代表了时代的一种新精神。The new leader personified a new spirit of the time.

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他得到了菲亚特董事会和新任董事长的全力支持。He had full support of the board and its new chairman.

新任老师广获学生好评。The new teacher has really taken the students by storm.

各路媒体纷纷向新任主席郭树清“建言献策”。Various media to the new Chairman, Mr Guo "suggestions".

日本新任首相菅直人任命了他的新内阁。Japan’s new prime minister, Naoto Kan, named his cabinet.

拿着绿伞的那个人想必是我们的新任董事长。The man with the green umbrella will be our new president.

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美国新任副总统乔.拜登,容易失言。JOE BIDEN, America's new vice-president, is prone to gaffes.

美国新任副总统乔.拜登,容易失言。JOE BIDEN, America’s new vice-president, is prone to gaffes.

BP新任首席执行官鲍勃•达德利称,公司已经修正了发展路线。BP's new CEO Bob Dudley says the company has righted its course.

泰国的新任总理英拉-西那瓦可能也会表示同意。Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's new prime minister, might concur.

丹尼尔·珊顿是该协会的新任主席,卫报记者大卫·亚当尽量让他的观点显得不那么荒谬。David Adam tries to make sense of its new president, Daniel Shenton

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这位新任大使预定于明日呈递国书。The new ambassador is expected to present his credentials tomorrow.

保罗。因斯被任命为新任的布莱克本经理。Paul Ince has been confirmed as the new manager of Blackburn Rovers.

皮奥利是他们的新任主教练,执教过摩德纳。Stefano Pioli is the new coach now, having been in charge of Modena.