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这是投掷兵可以重创敌军的时候了That's where they do it harm.

世界股票,欧元遭受重创后开始反弹World Stocks, Euro Rebound After Battering

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这对于遭重创的美国房地产市场前景披上阴影。That does not bode well for the hard-hit U.

大自然再次重创美国。Mather Nature is walloping the country again.

大自然再次重创美国。Mother Nature is walloping the country again.

银行类股票在整个区域遭受重创。Bank stocks across the region were also battered.

那次空难重创了美国花样滑冰界。The crash devastated the U.S. figure skating community.

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巡回,游历。我们89年跟他们一起巡回演出的时候重创了他们。We did a tour with them in '89 and we beat them severely.

拖延工作则会使你的事业和收入遭受重创。Put off your work, and your career and income will suffer.

民主党人说这次请愿将会重创州政府。Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.

忘掉亨利五世,1415年英王亨利五世于法国北部阿金库尔村以弓箭手重创兵力数倍于己的法军Get out of your mind Henry V, forget the Battle of Agincourt.

对于今年一月受到地震重创的海地也不例外。The earthquake that rocked Haiti in January was no exception.

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伊泽德说,监狱的建筑受到强热带风暴的重创。Izard says the prison buildings have been hard hit by the storm.

在此之前,日本人巳经重创了第一海军陆战师。Japanese forces had taken a huge toll on the 1st Marine Division.

我数了一数,有四艘主力舰无疑已经沉没,三艘重创。I counted four battleships definitely sunk, three severely damaged.

1962年,简·库尼·贝克之死给布可夫斯基带来重创。In 1962 Bukowski was traumatized by the death of Jane Cooney Baker.

其他经济学家表示,美国将在这场贸易战中遭到重创。Other economists say the U. S. would suffer greatly in a trade war.

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失去海岸线并未使埃塞俄比亚的商船队遭到重创。But losing the coastline has not scuppered Ethiopia's merchant fleet.

他选购的对象是遭受重创的生物技术股和医疗器械股。He's bought the stocks of battered biotech and medical device makers.

而那些没有受到如此重创的对1981-82年的经济衰退只有模糊的印象。Those not as badly hurt have fuzzy memories of the 1981-82 recession.