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他拒绝停战He refused a furlough to stay and fight.

白旗是停战的普遍象征。A white flag is the universal symbol for truce.

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各国于1960年成立了停战诸国委员会。The states formed the Trucial States Council in 1960.

虽然1953年朝鲜停战了,但并没有达成和平协议。There was a cease-fire in 1953, but no peace agreement.

这事过后不久,理查就和撒拉逊人停战和好。Soon after this, Richard made a truce with the Saracens.

以色列政府也拒绝停战的建议。The Israeli government also rejected the truce proposal.

双方没有签署和平条约来结束战争,只是签订了一个停战协定。Neither side signed a peace treaty to end the war, only an armistice

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双方都没有签署和平条约来结束战争,只有一个停战协议。Neither side signed a peace treaty to end the war, only an armistice.

迄今尚未达成全面的和平协议以取代1953年的停战协定。No comprehensive peace agreement has replaced the 1953 armistice pact.

潘基文也说现在是时候让以色列考虑单方面的停战。Ban also said it was time for Israel to consider a unilateral ceasefire.

马其诺防线堡垒里顽强的坚守者一直没有停止战斗,直到二战停战。The crews of the unconquered Maginot forts held out until the armistice.

若不然,革命委员会接受划线停战吗?And if not, would the revolutionary council in Benghazi accept partition?

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但至少,停战意味着那些原本要死的人逃过一劫。But at least an armistice will mean that men who would have died will now live.

两军士兵在圣诞节停战并称兄道弟。Soldiers from the two armies stopped fighting and fraternized on Christmas Day.

经过几轮谈判,两国终于休兵停战。After several rounds of negotiation, the two countries finally agreed on a cease-fire.

长期以来,在网络供应商和服务器供应商之间存在一项非正式的停战协定。There has long been an unofficial truce between networking vendors and server vendors.

与欧盟和美国不同,中国没有表露出任何迫使政府停战的意向和压力。Unlike the EU and America, it exerted no pressure on the government to stop the fighting.

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按照停战协定的规定,翌年召开了政治会议。A political conference was held the following year, as provided in the armistice agreement.

在1590年停战期满后,露西亚军队挥师收复失地。After the term of the armistice expired in 1590, Russian troops moved in to take them back.

能指挥我的前卫,如未接获我的命令,您无权擅自停战媾和。You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order.