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如此的不,我不真的从它拿驱邪。So no, I didn't really get exorcism from it.

今天驱邪是更具暴力和更有系统的。Today the exorcism is more violent and systematic.

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驱邪中必须念诵特别的咒语。Specific incantations had to be uttered in exorcism.’1

九眼天珠是驱邪的,能为人转厄运为吉祥。Nine beads is evil, and people can turn bad luck to good luck.

战斗的圣洁现在不再减少驱邪术的冷却时间。Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism.

我们比医学之神还厉害,更会治人驱邪。We're better than Asclepius at healing people and exorcising demons.

在重多法宝中,铜镜的驱邪能力是最强的。In much magic, bronze mirrors of exorcising capacity is the strongest.

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村中一个家族的两名成员短期内先后意外身亡。为驱邪保平安,人们决定对村中旧庙进行翻修。In a village, two members of a family died in accidents in a short period.

桃还有驱邪避鬼,护佑生命的特质。The peach have the traits of expelling evil spirits and safeguarding life.

驱邪完成,马卡斯开始学习相信上帝的存在。Exorcisms completed, marcus began learning believe in the existence of god.

古时候人们放爆竹是为了驱邪祈福,祈求来年平安如意。In ancient times people firecrackers to rid blessing and praying for peace.

抚育之馀,更传之驱邪杀鬼之术。He then becomes his assistant in exorcising ghosts and demons when he grows up.

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留存下来的习俗还有婚礼、葬礼及治病的驱邪仪式。Marriage and funeral rites, and shamanist rituals for curing illnesses, survive.

McKinney否认该仪式是驱邪,而把它描述为驱逐幽灵。McKinney denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits.

铜镜驱邪观念的基本结构主要包括铜镜能使鬼魅现形和鬼魅害怕现形两个环节。The elementary structure of the idea that a bronze mirror can cast out devils consists of two aspects.

中国传统认为烟花爆竹能避灾驱邪、招财进宝。Chinese tradition says fireworks frighten evil spirits, drive away bad luck and attract the god of wealth.

在中国,狗认为可以守家护院,驱邪镇魔,避开麻烦。In China, the dog is considered the guardian of the house, preventing trouble and driving away evil spirits.

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少林宝剑富有传统的民族特色,具有驱邪迎祥之作用。Shaolin sword rich tradition of national characteristics, the role of sickness, driving away evil Yingxiang.

以说唱表演形式达到驱邪逐疫、祈求通神的美好愿望。It expresses people's good wish of communicating with Gods to expel disease and devil by singing and dancing.

护身符,驱邪符。一种巫毒长期随身带在身上的避邪物,常为装着一至两种神奇物小法兰绒袋。An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.