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有时我真的觉得自己像块任人宰割的肉!Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!

因此教育成了砧板上的鱼肉任人宰割。As a result, education is on the chopping block.

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我们决不能任人宰割。We can by no means allow ourselves to be trampled upon.

我们要么成为一支团队携手并肩团结奋战,要么一个个任人宰割的个体。And, either we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals.

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。Neoteric china have experienced a poverty and being bullied history.

图维那︰“我们或许被如动物一般狩猎著,但是我们绝不会变成动物任人宰割。”Tuvia︰"We may be hunted like animals but we will not become animals."

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。Modern China has gone through a poor and weak and subjugation of history.

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近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。In modern times, China has gone through a history of being weak, poor and invaded.

如果一个民族松散得像一盘散沙,那么它会被任人宰割。If a nation is disunited like a heap of loose sand, it will be subject to invasion.

在科学研究上古尸可以任人宰割的想法开始受到了挑战。The assumption that ancient corpses are fair game for science is beginning to be challenged.

中国人民从此摆脱了受人摆布,任人宰割的命运。The Chinese people henceforth got rid have been organized the human , allow to oppressed's destiny.

这就是你没有掩护我们出逃,让我们任人宰割的原因?噢,没错,真是抱歉。Is that why you didn't cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals?Oh, yeah, sorry about that.

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“这位女士已被媒体审判定罪,”奥蒂斯说。“我不能让她任人宰割。”"This lady has been tried and convicted in the media, " Mr. Ortiz said. "I don't want to throw her to the wolves. "

特别是鸦片战争之后,中华民族更是陷入积贫积弱、任人宰割的悲惨状况。After the Opium War, in particular, the Chinese people sunk further into the miserable plight of poverty and weakness, being trampled over at will.

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries.

爆发之前,它似乎永远的与世无争,甚至可以说是任人宰割。一旦爆发,则横扫一切,势不可挡!Before erupting, it as if forever standing aloof from the world, even may say that is the allow to oppressed. Once erupts, then sweeps away all, irresistible!

生活真的很残酷,不觉得,你一渐渐的被社会所淘汰,渐渐的已成为被剥削的对象,和任人宰割的羔羊。Life is really cruel, do not think, as you gradually eliminated by the society, and gradually has become the object of exploitation and slaughter of the lamb.

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他的部队已经全部用上了,再也派不出一兵一卒,只好眼巴巴地看自己的士兵任人宰割。His troops already all use ascend, could not send one soldier of one soldier any further, the soldier who has to anxiously see oneself lets people to cut into pieces.

一百多年来,中国民众不被人尊重,他们任人宰割和摆布,没有说话和行动的自由,没有免于恐惧的自由。For one-hundred years, the Chinese people have not been respected. We have been at the mercy of others, without freedom of speech or action, without freedom from fear.

自古以来君臣上下争权谋利,有智者劳心劳肺,无智者当牛做马任人宰割,强吃弱,弱逼抢,官官相护。Since ancient times, emperors of for profit, the wise to hearts lung, no wise when the cattle and horses trampled upon, eat strong weak, weak closing down, officials one another.