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类似的事件也发生在其他的军区。Similar incidents occurred in other military commands.

那位老人曾经在晋察冀军区工作。The old man used to work in the jin-Cha-Ji Military District.

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这种程序在不同的军区和下属机构的操作也有所不同。The process can differ by branch and by theater of operations.

随后该系统将提供给北高加索军区。It will next be provided to the North Caucasus Military District.

剧中男一号老三则是军区司令员的儿子,家庭背景相对比较好,本人呢也比较有前途。Laosan is a boy with a promising future from a well-to-do family.

月,第13兵团部兼广西省军区。December, 13 Corps, the Department of Military and Guangxi provinces.

为此,军区首长专程来我公司视察、慰问。Therefore, military director come to our company for visit and condole.

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冀中军区损失惨重,袁政委不幸牺牲。Hebei military commissar, suffered heavy losses, unfortunately sacrifice.

今天我们将参观俄罗斯西部军区的炮兵某旅。Today we’ll visit an artillery brigade from the Western Military District.

如果战争爆发,这三大军区将成为一个高度协调的战区。In the event of war, all three regions become one well-coordinated theatre.

文中还介绍了某军区礼堂的声学改建成功的实例及其声学数据。A successful example is reported here. Its acoustic data are also presented.

谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。Brigadier Chea Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian Military Region.

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地面部队被分为7个军区和27个军分区。The ground forces are divided into 7 military regions with 27 military districts.

离休前为广州军区纪律检查委员会副主任。He was vice-director of disciplinary examination committee of Guangzhou Military Area.

2003年开馆典礼上,河北军区领导人悉数出席。Leading military officers from the Hebei region attended the opening ceremony in 2003.

济南军区和济南铁路局本部位于济南。Headquarters is located in Jinan Military Region and the Jinan Railway Bureau in Jinan.

济南是中国军队的地区性指挥中心,七大军区之一。The city is a regional command center for the Chinese military, one of seven in the country.

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身负重伤的的赵传奇回到了军区,因无法证明身份而产生误会。Wounded Zhao Chuanqi returned to the military, and misunderstanding due to a lack of identity.

林想办法让我们搭车和成都军区的高级军官一起出去转转。Lin was able to get us a ride out with some high ranking officers from the Chengdu military command.

我方冀中军区损失惨重,袁政委在这场战役中不幸牺牲。Our Hebei military region, political commissar of losses, unfortunately at the expense of the battle.