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为学趁年青,既学须学好。Learn young,learn fair.

学习趁年轻,学就要学好。Learn young, learn fair.

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她英语学得比数学好。She did in English math.

我必须把日语学好。I must learn Japanese well.

他下决心学好希腊语。He was determined to learn Greek well.

需要多长时间才干学好墨尔本曳步舞呢?How long does it take to learn to shuffle?

学好外语是为了更好的建设祖国。Learn English to server our nation country.

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你看起来特别聪明,一定能学好英语。You look smart enough to speak English well.

学好英语骄傲的向世界表白!Learn English arrogantly to world vindicating!

只有效这种方法,我们才能学好英语。Only in thellos way, can we learn Eglish well.

我向许教授请教如何学好英文。I asked Professor Xu how to learn English well.

没有一个孩子是不具备学习能力的,只要想学就一定可以学好。Any kids can learn if she or he desire to learn.

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我认为我们有必要去学好它。I think it is benefical for us to study it well.

许多外国人发现学好汉语真不容易。Many foreigners find difficult learn Chinese well.

尽管学电脑花费许多时间,但我认为学好它还是有用的。Though a lot of time. I think learn computer well.

我今朝应该做的工作是学好英语。What I should do at present is learn English well.

你能给点我如何学好英语的建议吗?。Doyou have any advice for me about learning English?

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那如何能学好商务英语呢?How that is the ability learn good business English?

对学好英语来说,兴趣也许很重要!Mabe interest is very important to learn English well.

我的目的就是学好英文,能更好的在SBB工作。My goal is to learn English and work in the SBB better.