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石榴花含有黄酮类化合物。Pomegranate flowers contain flavonoid compounds.

院子里的月季花、石榴花的芳香,更是给赛珍珠夫妇的新婚生活平添很多美丽。Inside a clear, aromatic pomegranate, is the married couple to Pearl S. Buck took a beautiful life.

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那些盛开在提尔花园里的石榴花,那些比玫瑰还要鲜红的石榴花,却没有你的嘴唇鲜红。The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre and are redder than roses are not so red.

世园会会徽“长安花”,又名“石榴花”,暗合“时来运转”之意。Expo emblem "chang-an flower", also known as the "pomegranate flowers", implies "fortune turnes" meaning.

由于童年的不幸遭遇,石榴花很小就富有同情心。Because the misfortune of childhood encounters, pomegranate flower is very small rich sympathize with a heart.

对新疆石榴花中红色素的提取及对其物理化学性质进行了研究。In this paper we study the orange pigment from Xinjiang pomegranate flower and its physics and chemical properties.

长安花就是石榴花,暗合“时来运转”,寓意吉祥喜庆,实力送礼佳品。Changan flower is the pomegranate flowers, implies "fortune turnes", meaning auspicious festive gifts, strength to taste.

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当我们听到池塘里传出的第一声蛙鸣时,夏已经悄然地来到我们身边。石榴花用它的激情燃烧起夏的浓情。When we hear the news of the first pond the summer has come to us quietly. burning passion to use it since the summer of Cities.

对于生于五月六月和七月间的星座人来说,在你们出生期间开出的火红石榴花无疑是你们的幸运之花。Born in May to June and July, between the constellation you were born in a fiery during the pomegranate flowers is your lucky flowers.

香格里拉农场石榴花蜜呈晶莹透亮的石榴红,源自盛开在云南省西南部的石榴花。Shangrila Farms Pomegranate Blossom Honey is a lovely mahogany color and is made by bees foraging pomegranate blossom nectar in southeastern Yunnan.

西班牙姑娘人人同情玉晶公主、喜爱石榴花,她们把石榴树栽遍全国。为了纪念玉晶公主,石榴花被命名为西班牙国花。They planted Pomegranate trees all over the country, and thus the Pomegranate flower was named the National Flower of Spain in remembrance of their beloved Princess.