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他要去评判谁呢?Who is he to judge?

谁是谁非,谁来评判?And who can be judge?

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没有人评判他的工作。No one judges his job.

台下评判员如何记分?How do the judges score a bout?

基于什么样的评判标准呢?On what bases are the criterias?

换言之,为什么不需要评判合规性?IOW, why _not_ assess compliance?

他是活动会的评判员吗?Is he a judge of the sports meet?

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预判或预先评判“prejudgment" or "prior judgment."

亚里士多德是怎么评判我们?What is Aristotle saying about us?

我不会说教也不做评判。I do not preach and I do not judge.

评判人授予她奖品。The judges awarded the prize to her.

他们把奖品评判给获胜者。They adjudged a prize to the victor.

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不要随意评判别人的信仰,那也是值得尊重的。Beliefs are respected by not judging.

我们评判事物,假如可凭智力。If we may judge of matter by the mind.

评判员必须发表公正意见。A judge must give an objective opinion.

世界上最健康的百种食物评判标准FAQs about the World's Healthiest Foods

评判狗的品种也没问题。It's even fine to judge breeds of dogs.

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这里,我们谁也不能对他们做出评判。Neither I nor anyone can judge them here.

你是如何评判美印伙伴关系吗?How would you assess US-India partnership?

它不仅是结构主义的评判。It's not just a critique of structuralism.