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双眼如万花筒般绚烂的女孩A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

双眼如万花筒般绚烂的女孩"A girl with kaleidoscope eyes."

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生活犹如万花筒,五彩缤纷。Living like a kaleidoscope, colorful.

外套下隐藏的是万花筒般的心跳。Kaleidoscopes of loud heartbeats under coats.

也许我失去了爱情,还有我万花筒般的翅膀。Perhaps I am lost in love , I have kaleidoscopic wings.

思想显现为光和声的万花筒般的图案。Thoughts appear as kaleidoscopic patterns of light and sound.

五彩斑斓的万花筒是否能唤起你童年的回忆呢?May the colorful kaleidoscopes arouse memories of your childhood?

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这将是一个冒险的音乐万花筒不容错过。It will be an adventure of musical kaleidoscopes not to be missed.

为想把自己的文化添入美国万花筒的少数族裔说话。For ethnics who want to add their culture to the mosaic that is America.

我们提出您新的耐克妇女的法院力量“鞋带万花筒”组装。We present you the new Nike womens Court Force "Laces Kaleidoscopic" pack.

鲜艳的蓝色和红色玻璃,阳光流淌进来,教堂里斑斑光点像一个大万花筒。The sunlight streams in, dappling the interior in a kaleidoscope of colours.

原因是万花筒出现了看似悦目的图案。Because the kaleidoscope had settled into what appeared to be a pleasing pattern.

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这是一个完全的议案,控制数字万花筒,石英作曲家。This is a fully motion controlled digital kaleidoscope, developed in quartz composer.

爱庐彩虹礼堂是一个如炫彩万花筒般的多功能活动场所。The Rainbow Chapel is multi-functional events space enclosed within a kaleidoscope of color.

他们常见的回答读起来像是关于我们亦邪亦正的特性的万花筒。Their most frequent responses read like a kaleidoscopic view of our best and worst attributes

在万花筒远处的一端有两个玻璃片,一个是由透明玻璃做的,另一个是由毛玻璃做的。At the end of a kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of clear glass and the other of ground glass.

如果学着旋动万花筒,我们就都在其中转动,每个人都有这样的机会.。There's a time for everyone, if they only learn that the twisting kaleidoscope, moves us all in turn.

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在万花筒远处的那端有两个玻璃片,一个是由透明玻璃做的,另一个是由毛玻璃做的。At the far end of a kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of clear glass and the other of ground glass.

海顿的喜剧音乐风格在这一体裁中也得到了集中体现,音乐中所蕴涵的万花筒般的幽默无人可以比拟。His music style of comedy centered upon it, in which nobody else could compare with the assorted humor.

光艳夺目的美冠鹦鹉在枝头尖叫着,象转动着的万花筒似的,在树木之间往来跳跃。Crowds of brilliant cockatoos screamed among the branches, moving prisms, hopping from one bough to another.