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“壶口”在中文里的意思是水壶的喷嘴。Hukou means "kettle spout" in Chinese.

拉出侧脚坑出口喷嘴。Pull out side footwell outlet nozzles.

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一只小小的煤气喷嘴就照亮了如此可怜的一个角落。A gas-jet without a globe lit up the place.

双组燃烧喷嘴,升温快且均匀。Dual burner nozzle, heating up fast and evenly.

一种将颜料喷成雾状的喷嘴管。A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.

问题对于一个多水枪系统我应选择多大的喷嘴?Q. How do I size nozzles for a multiple gun system?

本实用新型涉及一种自净喷嘴。The utility model relates to a self-purification nozzle.

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在每班转班前是否检查喷嘴?Does the spray nozzle checked before each shift operation?

重新放入喷雾剂,留意喷嘴必须向外。Re-insert the refill can. Ensure the nozzle faces outwards.

轻按压喷嘴即获乳液,均匀涂抹于湿润的面部和颈部。Apply small dabs of Organic Cleansing Milk to face and neck.

激励源为扬声器或者喷嘴气流。The exciter could select loudhailer or gas flow of injector.

取下喷嘴,放入一杯稀料中进行清洗。Remove the nozzle, into a glass of diluted compound cleaning.

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而且所使用的喷嘴与电极有较高的使用寿命。And the use of nozzle with electrodes have higher service life.

在前台的橡胶管和金属喷嘴可以看出。In the foreground the rubber hose and metal nozzle can be seen.

喷嘴芯是压力型雾化喷嘴的关键部件。Nozzle core is the key part of the pressure atomization nozzle.

一只小小的煤气喷嘴就照亮了如此可怜的一个角落。A small gas-jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner.

她掉转喷嘴,让水花集中喷入小河。She turned the nozzle and the spray concentrated down to a stream.

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等等,这儿有两套喷嘴儿应该用哪一个?Wait. There's two sets of nozzles! Which one is it?Which one is it?

喷嘴利用液体的反作用力驱动。This cleaning spray head is driven by the counter-force of the liquid.

实际上,涡轮圆盘和喷嘴是装在机壳里的。In practice, the turbine disc and the nozzles are fitted into a casing.