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搅拌直到融解。Stir well to dissolve.

用约50毫升热开水融解后服用。Drink after melt it in about 50 ml hot water.

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二月带来雨水,使池塘水面冰层融解。February brings the rain , thaws the frozen ponds again.

在行星上的最冰的中心能被磨咒骂讯息的天堂融解。The iciest hearts on the planet can be thawed by the heaven's burnished flame.

让体谅的温暖及自我价值的觉察融解你的情绪。Let the warmth of understanding and the awareness of your worth thaw your emotions.

海洋冰川按照季节冻结、融解,但绝不会减少到如此大小。Sea ice freezes and melts seasonally, but never had it ebbed to this small a patch.

它也被使用来软化水、融解路上的冰、制造肥皂,还有帮布料固色。It is also used to make water soft, to melt ice on roads, to make soap and to dye cloth.

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在后一种情况下,配置可以级联或融解到最终结果中。In the latter case, the configuration might cascade or be reconciled into a final result.

对耐火泥浆经过低温冻结和融解后的性能表现进行了实验研究。The performance of refractory slurry after freezed and melted is researched in this paper.

近景观察发现,冰盖表面点缀着多处已经融解的深蓝色湖。a more detailed view shows deeper blue pools of melt water dotting the ice sheet's surface

低于镉的融解点温度时会出现故态金属的镉脆化。Solid-metal embrittlement by cadmium can occur at temperatures below the cadmium melting point.

经过三个月的观察及治疗,症状改善,左眼虫体融解后吸收。This rare ocular angiostrongyliasis was received supportive treatment and close observation only.

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随后融解的冰层减少了海水的咸度,使浮游植物群落大量生长。The consequent melting ice decreased water salinity and sparked an intense bloom of phytoplankton.

我尽所能的让他能享受这些来之不易的血汗钱,但要在我们融解掉我们的债务后。I'm all for him being able to enjoy his hard-earned money, but not until we are financially solvent.

这种多边状裂痕被认为是表面冰季节性的冻结和融解导致的。The polygonal cracking is believed to have resulted from seasonal freezing and thawing of surface ice.

科雷斯的SRF自控温伴热带是融解冻结管道的最佳选择。Cross SRF Self-Regulating Heating Tapes provide a reliable heating solution to the problem of frozen pipework.

如果来自克里赛特-2的测量数值证实了薄化理论是正确的,就表明冰层融解正在加快。If the measurements from CryoSat-2 bear out this thinning theory, it would mean the ice is being lost more quickly.

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融解的冰帽将使地球的地下水位上升流经大陆架的最北部和最南部。The melting caps will cause earth's water tables to raise along the northern and southern most continental shelves.

本操作意图是在融解状态下融化入所有添加合金。This operation is intended to dissolve all the alloying additions in solution and hold them there at room temperature.

随着屏风的柔和曲线自然融解倾下的印花纹,牵引着朴素的浪漫氛围。The printing grain that as the downy curve nature of screen melt bend unloads , drawing is worn simple romantic atmosphere.