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所有的这些都是异端邪说。All this is grand heresy.

我们应该公开指责异端邪说。We should denounce a heresy.

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克制是异端邪说的敌人。Continence is the foe of heresy.

他要把异端邪说到处传播。He is spreading this heresy everywhere.

似是而非及异端邪说被视为真理。Half-truth and hearsay was called truth.

她认为应该增加税收,这是异端邪说。Her belief that taxes should be higher was heresy.

提出这样一个观点可能会被视为异端邪说。It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.

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但不同种类的异端邪说的余烬今后是否还会再燃?But will the embers of a different kind of heresy continue to burn?

不过,如果瑞德放其他的那套异端邪说,生活就会惬意得多。However, life would be pleasanter if Rhett would recant his heresies.

为世人所知的所有真理都曾经是智者们眼中的异端邪说。All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.

没有艾滋病的成效,被忽略了在该中心的异端邪说。No aids to effectiveness were to be neglected in that centre of heresies.

几个头是象征性的衰落和压迫,和并且异端邪说。Several heads were symbolic of decadence and oppression, and also of heresy.

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动物有感情的观念,要么遭摒弃要么被认为是异端邪说。The idea thatanimals had feelings was either dismissed or considered heresy.

福尼尔的调查揭露了一个犯有异端邪说罪过的村庄,但也仅仅如此而已。Fournier's inquisition uncovered a village guilty of heresy, but little else.

伽利略的学说1633年被指控为异端邪说,他被迫公开表示放弃自己的观点。Galileo was accused of heresy in 1633 and forced to publicly recant his theories.

异端邪说往往发生在那些从各方面看来都比街坊邻居优秀的人们当中。Heresy begins with people who are to all appearance better than their neighbours.

新约里有很多关于耶稣的观点,后来都被宣布为异端邪说。You've got all kinds of views about Jesus that would later be declared heretical.

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他们还明确了许多,在教会发展了几个世纪的其他异端邪说。They also clear up many other heresies that developed in the Church over the centuries.

其它基督论在基督教历史的某个时期,被视为异端邪说。These other Christologies were all declared heretical at some point in Christian history.

毕竟,版权当年在英国是作为压制异端邪说的政治工具应运而生的。After all, copyright started in England as a political tool to suppress heresy and dissent.