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我是个罗曼蒂克的人,经常为汽车写诗。I'm a romantic.

罗曼蒂克的如何?How about something romantic?

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你想要那天成为罗曼蒂克的一天。and you want it to be romantic.

她的嗓音圆润、浑厚,他的蓝调布鲁斯和民谣非常罗曼蒂克,非常有古典美。Her smooth R&B balladry is very moving.

据说,这件新闻是非常罗曼蒂克的。The item, as retailed, is romantic in the extreme.

那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌。Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.

然而和许多御宅族不同的是,他们对自己的玩物怀有真实的罗曼蒂克式情感。Unlike most otaku, though, they have real romantic feelings for their toys.

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守护阶级的成员之间,不存在罗曼蒂克的爱。There is nothing like romantic love among the members of the guardian class.

圆柱形小灯更映衬了罗曼蒂克的情调。Cylindrical little light more set off the sentiment that Luo Mandi overcomes.

这是公认的最罗曼蒂克的照片之一。It is considered to be one of the most romantic photos to have ever been taken.

但是弗朗无法下定决心与罗克来一场认真的罗曼蒂克绯闻,她退缩了。But Francon, unsure she is preparedfor a serious romantic affair with Roark, pulls back.

但是弗朗无法下定决心与罗克来一场认真的罗曼蒂克绯闻,她退缩了。But Francon, unsure she is prepared for a serious romantic affair with Roark, pulls back.

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中国的人口如能向新开发房价廉价城市分散开来,罗曼蒂克式的幸福就一定会到来。China's population will spread out into new cheaper cities and romantic bliss will ensue.

所谓罗曼蒂克就是帮老婆买回包心菜时会顺手带回一朵玫瑰花!The so-called romanticism was helping his wife buy cabbage when he pulled back to a Rose !

一旦夫妇俩有了孩子,情况会变得更糟--一些实用的物件将彻底取代罗曼蒂克的礼物。And it gets worse once you have children -- romantic presents are replaced by practical ones.

除去忽略了餐巾以外,可以说我准备的晚餐确实罗曼蒂克。Aside from the napkin oversight, I'd go so far as to say that my dinner is actually romantic.

我很积极,真诚,忠心,善良,坦率,富于想象,还有一些罗曼蒂克。I am positive thinking, honest, loyal, kind-hearted, open, imaginative and being a bit romantic.

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拥有着罗曼蒂克的柔和之声以及午夜灵魂般的混音。唱出了许许多多的爵士音乐。With a smooth romantic voice and a rich blend of midnight soul, she sings mostly Jazz standards.

回家来过圣庭节这件事原来对她的一点点罗曼蒂克的魅力,即刻就烟消云散了。Immediately what little romantic glamour this Christmas homecoming had held for her was dissipated.

黄玫瑰传递一种感激之情和纯精神友谊的爱,不掺杂其他颜色所隐含的罗曼蒂克。Yellow roses send a message of appreciation and platonic love without the romantic subtext of other colors.