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我向着第六个烽火台进发。I embarked toward the sixth beacon.

阳关现在只是一个烽火台。The Yangguan Pass is Just a beacon tower now.

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烽火台的用处在于传递军事信息。Beacon towers are built to pass military messages.

大约二十分钟,才可以爬上一号烽火台。About twenty minutes, can climb up the beacon tower.

我咬牙坚持着,我终于登上了第八个烽火台。I bite the persisted, I finally boarded the eighth beacon.

石头城南建烽火台,为军事重镇。Seongnam stone beacon towers built for the military stronghold.

高大的烽火台宛如一座长方形的小城堡,防守严密。Tall beacon tower as a rectangular small castle, tight defense.

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内有古长城马道、古长城烽火台。There are horse roads and beacon towers of the Great Wallinside.

沿着城墙,设有许多烽火台,过去的士兵用来站岗的。Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch.

还要沿着长城爬很长一段路,才能爬到顶峰的烽火台。It was a long pull along the Great Wall to the beacon tower on the peak.

亭由灰砖砌成,砌在原先的烽火台上。The pavilion was made by grey bricks and was settled up on the old beacon tower.

对。以前每隔一段距离就会在高处建一座烽火台。Yes. In the past, watch towers would be built on higher places at certain intervals.

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一开始,长城的阶梯也并不陡峭,我顺利的爬到了第五个烽火台。The beginning, the Great Wall does not steep ladder, I climbed to a fifth smooth beacon.

一个陌生的中国老妇人把头探出烽火台,示意我走上去。A strange older Chinese lady had poked her head out of the tower and was motioning me upward.

胜利在向我召唤,我攒足了精神,向着第八个烽火台进发了。Victory calls to me, and I save enough of the spirit, embarked on a beacon toward the eighth.

我望了望隐隐约约矗立在最高点的第八烽火台,决心征服它。I looked vaguely at the highest point stands the eighth beacon towers, and determined to conquer it.

又似城墙的烽火台,向两边无尽延伸,寓意公司必定辉煌的远景。Also like the beacon tower of the city wall , extending to both sides endlessly , imply company's brilliant future.

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明洪武年间,为防倭寇侵扰,在此修建狼烟墩台,又称烽火台。Hongwu period to prevent harassment of Japanese pirates, in the construction of China. Pier, also known as beacon towers.

在山区,人们用一块块的石头和砖块将烽火台砌成正方形、长方形或者圆形。In mountainous areas, beacon towers are built by laying pieces of stones and bricks, into square, rectangular, or round shapes.

这个烽火台主要是建立在山顶上,在远古时代负责向边境的官兵发布警告信息。The beacon tower was mostly built at the top of the mountain to give border alarm in ancient times. It was constantly under special control.